It is
I don’t know if it’s what you’d like to do. I do it quite often with American Elms when the tree just gets to coarse. I enjoy the growth change.
A gamble but Elm tree trunks, mine are American Elms, respond very well. It took less than three weeks for the trunk to turn into a bush with branches growing all over…top to bottom. At three weeks new branches were 8” to 10” in length. I did not photograph the “bush” look. However, when it’s daylight tomorrow I’ll take a photo of the branches selected and newly pruned for starting over. The tree is in rough form right now but exactly where I wanted it to be for starting over. I’ll include the bare trunk photo, and an after a second branch selection pruning photo if you’re interested. I'll let it just grow now for the rest of the season and likely won’t prune it again until spring 2024. I’ve never had an American Elm tree that did not bud back all over. In about three years it will again resemble a bonsai tree.That's an interesting idea. So you have removed all of your branches at the trunk and waited for new buds all over the tree.
That seems like quite a gamble.
Makes some sense as they say to grow the trunk first.
Don't know if I am up to that.
What are you projecting for a time line to have a decent tree once again?
Do the rest of you have an opinion as to which method might lead to a better tree in the end?
I'm getting older so I don't know & yes I know that these trees are a never ending project.
Thanks for the help.
I don’t know if it’s what you’d like to do. I do it quite often with American Elms when the tree just gets to coarse. I enjoy the growth change.