Need some help on Elm

Having trouble finding a "Bigass" rock. I don't think anyone around here carries them. Does a generic work just as well?
Generic BIG ASS Rocks for sale or rent!
I know you have river rocks in Yakima. Go get one that fits.
Whatever. reminds me of my childhood. Yakima that is. We lived in Calgary, and my sister and I were dragged along on camping holidays. The usual: Creston, Coeur de Laine and , once, Yakima. There is a trout pond at one place: Dad and Uncle catch some. But then Uncle decides to catch some rays on a few rocks in the middle of a river near the camp. I am looking for him, for some ungodly reason. I clear a stand of trees-- and there he is, in the middle of the river with a log in his hand,swinging like mad; fending off several fairly large Water Snakes. Not a fave uncle, and I fair near sh.. myself laughing! Thanks for the memory.
Oops, one more thing. You obviously have to work with what you have now. We all blunder about because we don't know the species very well. People have been, well, honest. But that is why you are here and they are.. Wish I could work on one. But out of my climate range now. Be patient.

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There are two islands that look a lot like yours, just south of Puerto Vallarta. Sadly unapproachable, or maybe not. Strictly for the birds. But we anchored near there once, on a booze cruise,. and drunkenly snorkeled. But surfacing and having them fill my visual field, sobered me right up. . I often remember them now.
Oops, one more thing. You obviously have to work with what you have now. We all blunder about because we don't know the species very well. People have been, well, honest.

Geo , am I to assume that you liked the "before" tree? The original tree before any chops?
Yes, I did.: because I am very fond of the neagari and thought that, together with the rest of the tree, you were on the way to a wistful "fairy tale"- W.P. look. I think someone else mentioned that too. However, you have made decisions and will end up with something different. You still have those wonderful roots. And you got all of that great chopping advice.
I'm just amazed by the amount of growth put out by these Elms. Between seeing yours and ColinFrasers, I'm feeling like I need to get out and buy one!

Why buy? Go dig one up or get in on Eric Groups seedling/cutting exchange program.
What do you want? Chinese? American? Siberian?Cork bark? Seiju? Hokkaido? I'm sure people here will have small ones here to trade or sell. I have around 125 or more American elm seedlings I planted this year. They will be ready to go in the spring. Or pm me for a larger wild collected stump. I'll put you on my list.
Yes, I did.: because I am very fond of the neagari and thought that, together with the rest of the tree, you were on the way to a wistful "fairy tale"- W.P. look. I think someone else mentioned that too. However, you have made decisions and will end up with something different. You still have those wonderful roots. And you got all of that great chopping advice.

Yes I really didn't care for the original look of the tree, to me it looked like sagebrush to a point.
Here is the tree last weekend. I put it to bed without pruning it back and figured that I would do it in the late winter, is this ok or should I do it in a month or so. Our weather is still fairly warm at night high 30's to 40's but that could change overnight so thought things should be put up as I can't always do it right that minute and I don't want to lose anything.

Any thoughts?

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Looking strong!

Any thoughts?

Wait as Mike said, that tree does not even look close to Fall color.

Wait till late winter.

Our two little ones did fine and have just about finished Fall leaf drop. Probably Winter them next week :)

Winter them next week
On its way isn't it? It's been frosty 4 mornings in a row here. Had snow last 2 days but it isn't sticking yet.
I'll winter mine probably next week.
On its way isn't it?

Yeah, so far 6 or so mornings the vehicles have been covered in frost but the daytime temps still float from 55 - 65F. Seems for the next week nights will be 40ish so it is a tough call. I figure next weekend I will pack them in out back - not much to tend to but all are alive :)

That is the problem here, high 50's to 60's during the day and hovering low 40's at night. They have been predicting below freezing for weeks. I was afraid that during the week it would drastically drop for several days and I would not have time to get stuff put away. So last weekend when I had time they got covered up and watered in a few times.
Mine are all still out on the benches. This freezing/ thawing doesn't hurt them one bit. I think about putting them away in about 2 weeks. We can still get a little nice weather.
I've got gun shy as I lost a couple to sudden freezes. Now just try to be safe and do it ahead of time, when I have time. Our weather just changes extremely fast sometimes. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend.
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Well this weekend I think that the hard freezes are gone and it is safe to pull things out of storage. Here is the elm after the winter straight out of the ground
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