Nonsense Rascal
Bolero led the first Africans to Europe.
Somebody else used the call sign Bolero in war movie. You weren't a WWI pilot were you?
My mother used to wear a Bolero, but they'd be kind of hard to fly a plane in. Please tell me you weren't know for your unique jump suit?
Damm Sorce you have me right down to the T..
I rest my case...Peter44 I explained in my last sentence of the post my intent of the post... I wasn't trying to be a smart ass nasty critic I was just being brutally honest and you never addressed my questions ???
Don't be so sensitive Peter, this is just a Internet forum...
Dav4 I take anything you say with a Grain of Salt...Also FWIW the Zig Zags were the Saving Grace of the pot...
Anthony I don't think changing pot shape will advance his outlook of a Bonsai pot...
Forsoothe!, I love your Humor, missed you at the GR show, were you showing ?
To all others, Forward Men.....
these numbers mean nothing. I am not sure why we even have these numbers glaring at us