My maple cuttings are dying!

I'd make airlayers if they're in your yard.

And take cuttings every week until you find a good timing. Fall could work.
Not big leaves. Just enough for some life.

I have like 20 air layerings going lol. Make cuttings at fall?
I have like 20 air layerings going lol. Make cuttings at fall?
I'd keep taking cuttings all through the year till they take them remember when you took those. Notes. Keep notes!

Winter could work🤷🏻‍♂️

I have had a lot of success this year. I used 100% vermiculite in some clear ikea totes with lids. My cuttings were about 6”. Totes place in indirect sunlight/shade. The vermiculite makes really nice roots!!
I just wrote a detailed blog post on how I root Japanese maples and I included all equipment and fertilizers I use. I routinely have 85%+ success rates. check it out here:
I followed your blog steps. I hope this works! Thanks for the advice.image.jpg
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