My little tree...

I hope you take this to heart, Ardiel. It is very true. You are not doing bonsai if your just "keep it alive." You have a houseplant or a potted plant. Period. African violets would do as well.

If you stay with bonsai, you WILL kill plants. That's part of how you learn -- a big part. And it's NOT a big deal -- not until you lose a tree you have put 20 years into, at least.

When I suggested putting a curve into the trunk, it was just that -- a curve. NOT a sharp bend; something that would give you more than that very ugly straight trunk that you could lay a ruler against.

Vance and I are both gruff old b======s; we seldom intend to offend, but sometimes we do. Between us we've been doing bonsai for an eon or two.

I entirely understand. I appreciate your input. This is why I've downplayed things. I have no illusions that I've been "doing bonsai" at any point, or that keeping it alive is "doing bonsai".

I wasn't going to say that I plan to do X Y and Z "bonsai things" and claim I'm "doing bonsai" because it isn't true. (I know so little that I'd be making stuff up if I did say something like that)

And as for taking risks, I understand it is needed to learn. But at this point I need to consider if I'm going to get anything out of it enjoyment wise.

I don't live in a place that is conductive for growing things. My tree got damaged by one of the dogs on the second or third day I had it, a small branch got broken and eventually had to be removed (we have great danes. They easily stand above eye level to tables) Not to mention that we have crazy kids EVERYWHERE doing everything. This is why I wasn't going to get into bonsai just yet. Right now it lives in a rabbit cage outside. Because that's what it needs to be safe from dogs and rowdy kids.

I'm holding back because a lot hinges on whether I'll actually be able to enjoy this hobby and less about whether I want to enjoy it. Keeping it alive is important to me just to prove that I can and that it won't be a waste of my time/get destroyed.
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Not to mention that I'm still gunshy and annoyed after the dogs destroyed two of my moss gardens last fall. They ripped every last bit out of the planters and covered the entire patio with soil. I'm kind of stressed about growing things right now.
Ardiel, we are practically neighbors I am near Livonia...Heads up for you, Telly's Garden Center, Home of 4 Seasons Bonsai Club is having a display, demonstrations, Bonsai stuff this Sunday, tomorrow the 22nd, I'm pretty sure it is between 1pm and 4pm, they are at 15 1/2 Mile and John R.....your buddy Vance Wood will be doing a Demo on something Bonsai don't remember what....
Try to make it, it will be worthwhile,
I'll be looking for you, be sure to introduce yourselves.
Ardiel, we are practically neighbors I am near Livonia...Heads up for you, Telly's Garden Center, Home of 4 Seasons Bonsai Club is having a display, demonstrations, Bonsai stuff this Sunday, tomorrow the 22nd, I'm pretty sure it is between 1pm and 4pm, they are at 15 1/2 Mile and John R.....your buddy Vance Wood will be doing a Demo on something Bonsai don't remember what....
Try to make it, it will be worthwhile,

Unfortunately I can't, but thanks for the info.
So sorry. . . . but it happens to all of us.
So sorry. . . . but it happens to all of us.

It didn't just "happen". I'm pretty sure it was my fault so maybe I really don't care enough.

If it just happened I would feel less bad about it. I'm pretty sure I got too lazy and let it get hard rain too many days in a row and it compacted the soil and stayed damp for too long and I didn't rectify it immediately. If I'd noticed I maybe could have done something but I didn't see it until it was too late. Post mortem inspection revealed a very soggy and rotted root system.
Rain shouldn't kill a bonsai. Crappy soil will. If it was in crappy soil when you bought it, it wasn't your fault. Many starter bonsai sold by "questionable" bonsai merchants have crappy soil.
Well your prediction came true. I killed it.

So much for that.

What's next?

I bought one of those from Walgreens a out 5 years ago. It was in a smashed pot and ALready dead!

I've killed NaNa, Parsons, and more NaNa.

I just broke branches wiring a sargenti, and it's doing well.

You'll get it. Took me a long time! And I ain't out the woods with this one even!

I really doubt that YOU killed it.

But . . . that said, remember -- it's only a plant. We kill cabbage and carrots day after day, and foresters kill (regrettably) entire swaths of trees in one fell swoop.

The only thing that died on your watch was a little, fairly nondescript plant you/we labeled a "bonsai." Happens every day.

Just get another.
I hope you do try again. It is a very fun hobby.
There are many trees to try if junipers don't work out for you.
Best wishes
What's next?

I bought one of those from Walgreens a out 5 years ago. It was in a smashed pot and ALready dead!

I've killed NaNa, Parsons, and more NaNa.


A juniper killer, I like that :)
I have a Chinensis on my hunting wall and though while looking at my parsonii turning yellow that I'll soon add it too but turned out that the little bugger just decided to bud back, who knew?
Now I'm more in azalea massacres...:eek:

Anyway, sorry for your lose Ardiel :( but it seems to me that your juniper was some sort of home depot or other big retailer 'bonsai' material.
Unfortunately this kind of tree frequently come with a very scrappy soil and in this case doing nothing and keep it alive is almost impossible as one have at least to do a re-potting.
I really hope that this experience won't stop you to keep trying!
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