Awesome performance to be honest
So we got a couple electric 6-strings, a few acoustics, two cigarbox guitars, 3 Ukes, keyboards, assorted percussion and @liquid_back_draft cycling through with 4 and 5 string basses.I’ll take MORE pictures of “The Music Room” at our next practice..
Nice.Nice! NICE!
Looks like you could fit a Five-String Neck on there...
Next one, look into full-hollow body Acoustic bass.. serious.
I like playing bass... it’s ALL about your rhythm-hand texhnique.
Sounds like a plan.. I’ve been informed by both my sons that they would like guitar lessons.. so I will be getting my “teaching structure” in order anyways... I haven’t GIVEN guitar lessons I was 16Nice.
I will have to figure how to do some kind of live on line thing like a Teams or Webex or something.
I’ll look you up once I can play Mary Had a Little Lamb, and I’m ready to bust out some blues and start walking.