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Got a new trident 'Mino Yatsubusa'. It comes in 1 gallon container. The price was reasonable as was the shipping. Packaging was great. It arrived promptly in good condition.



I kept the box in case I need to ship any plants to someone else. The box is double ended so I could pack at least 1 more in the same box the same way.
i wonder if they sell any ungrafted material...i love maples but never get them from local nurseries or maple nurseries because sometimes it can be hard to find them ungrafted...although sometimes if you ask they have a small reserve for us bonsai folk
from their website:

Note for Bonsai * - We pride ourselves on a clean side veneer graft that typically becomes not noticeable in 3-4 years. Our grafted trees are preferred by most bonsai specialists because of how our grafts are hidden as the trees mature.
Probably not. I'm actually going to a nursery when Spring arrives that has a place in the back with trees that didn't do so good. Grabbing every maple that's alive and cut it off below the graft for the green Japanese Maple rootstock to grow. The original cultivar is toughest. I need tough trees where I live.
Do you get a discount? that sounds like a nice setup...I'd love to get some fat bases that are discounted
Probably all or mostly grafted. A lot of nurseries are proud of their grafting work to ensure they have accurately labeled maple cultivars; very important when you handle hundreds or even thousands of cultivars. Most Japanese maple collectors are probably not deep into bonsai and most bonsai people are probably not deep into collecting a mass of different cultivars.
Do you get a discount? that sounds like a nice setup...I'd love to get some fat bases that are discounted
They practically give them away. The things don't sell so they put them out back. Most nurseries especially ones that do landscaping also have a spot out back where they keep the misfits. Check out nurseries in your area they probably have one.
Just called my local nursery, he said they had a section and in a week it'll be set up and I can go see it. Deal hunting time next weekend! thanks for the info M. Frary
There are actually 2 parts to this nursery. There is discussed here and also I previously ask about the ginkgo and they are all (over 30 varieties) grafted. I did purchase a ChiChi. Quick service, exceptionally well packed and in good condition. It had a cleft graph, so will see if it can be reduced. Time will tell.
Probably not. I'm actually going to a nursery when Spring arrives that has a place in the back with trees that didn't do so good. Grabbing every maple that's alive and cut it off below the graft for the green Japanese Maple rootstock to grow. The original cultivar is toughest. I need tough trees where I live.
You can say that 4098767 times. I wish I could move South.
Blah...snow, i have had my fill of snow for a lifetime.
I just wish they weren't grafted. Airlayering is such a pain.

Mr. Maple's location is three hours away from where I live and so I was considering making a trip there when I go to the arboretum in september. I plan on asking if they have an abandoned section for sure.

Some varieties that caught my eye on his site were:
'Shin hikasa'
'Murasaki kiyohime'
'Hime shojo'

The 'Shin hikasa' seems the most interesting to me and I was wondering if anyone had one of these.

Oh and PS you should post pictures of this guy in leaf.
Got a new trident 'Mino Yatsubusa'. It comes in 1 gallon container. The price was reasonable as was the shipping. Packaging was great. It arrived promptly in good condition.



Goodness, that box looks familiar! ;)

Sent It to Sikadelic with his trees in it a few weeks ago! That thing gets around!
@Eric Group Let's see how many places it travels to.
@JoeR I'll post for ya as soon as I get a chance. Having Internet troubles at home. Air layers aren't such a pain for me. Hope that you'll grow to enjoy doing them.
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