Metal halide question

Bnut my weeks are so hectic I don't have much time to research the LEDS but this weekend I am going to spend some time doing so starting with reading that coral site you posted and seeing what I can learn from there where to buy the parts, and figure out how to wire everything.
Now I am more interested in designing lights for my trees. Since the light spectrum needed for corals works on plants as well it should be very similar to what they are using in the link. Minus the red side of the spectrum for bud growth and flowering.
What did you end up doing Kevster? After exchanging some emails with Jerry I'm really considering switching from T5s to MH. He sent me this information:

"T5 light/ 4 lamps of 2' = 8500 lumens, probably 15 square feet of growing area
400 Watt metal halide = 40,000 lumens, probably 20+ square feet of growing area
1000 Watt = 100,000 lumens
You have at least 5x the light energy for growing plants."

Which has really gotten me thinking about trying out a 400W fixture, just need to find a place that sells them...
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