So I have been using HO compact fluorescent lights for my wintering my tropicals indoors. Having 6 bulbs at 96 watts a piece specifically for vegetive growth they worked great!!!
But I want to upgrade to a halide so I can use the light strip as it was intended for and get my saltwater reef tank up and running again.
The area I need to light is 6 feet long 32 inches deep. So a 600 watt halide should work just fine. What I am having trouble figuring out is the reflector. No site that I have come across will tell you how big or which reflector to use to cover a certain area. They only give the dimensions of the hood. I know there are variables to figure out such as how high the light is hung. But some basic guide lines would be helpful.
Also would it be better to have two 400s instead of one 600 to cover that area?
Any advice would be welcome especially from people who have halides.
I know BNut is probably really worn out with website updating but maybe he will chime in.
Thanks everyone!
But I want to upgrade to a halide so I can use the light strip as it was intended for and get my saltwater reef tank up and running again.
The area I need to light is 6 feet long 32 inches deep. So a 600 watt halide should work just fine. What I am having trouble figuring out is the reflector. No site that I have come across will tell you how big or which reflector to use to cover a certain area. They only give the dimensions of the hood. I know there are variables to figure out such as how high the light is hung. But some basic guide lines would be helpful.
Also would it be better to have two 400s instead of one 600 to cover that area?
Any advice would be welcome especially from people who have halides.
I know BNut is probably really worn out with website updating but maybe he will chime in.
Thanks everyone!