Merry Christmas! Show us your Bonsai gifts

I'll be digging through the boxes to find wire.

That frosted clear coated wire used to tie toys to boxes is gangster for wiring small trees.

Unfortunately I've almost convinced her to stop buying toys!

Merry Xmas!

Awesome pot! Who's the potter?
And how do you like Kwak? :)

It's a Mariusz Folda pot, been wanting one for a while now and fairly sure I have a use for it too even.

Kwaks not too bad, I forgot I liked it. We even have those odd Kwak glasses somewhere.
To myself:

A couple Colin Lewis books (figured they're a good start considering his place is 30 minutes away, and I hope to do some classes/workshops some day).

and a couple @sorce pots (photos don't do justice)



From my wife:

First photo is stuff my wife got from a "free stuff" Facebook group. Guess I'll keep the scissors and tweezers, not sure what to do with the shovels and rake - maybe my 2 year old will like them.

Second photo is stuff from my wish list (didn't have root shears yet).


A box from Japan is certainly more difficult to open than one from anywhere else.

But yeah....

I got some rough stock to work on, I find I miss the whole development phase. So I have a couple coming soon from @MACH5 and got a couple others. I worked on the JWP yesterday and today, still has a lot of growing to do, but for the first thinning and wiring... It's about 12" tall, my favorite size of tree. BTW, edit: No root work was done, it was slipped into the unglazed pot as I couldn't deal with the tree in the green glazed and work on it without gouging my eyes out.
I also wound up with another Korean Hornbeam lol. Can't stay away from them.... And an exposed root pyracantha was part of the deal, as I already have one, I'll be looking to sell this pre-bonsai pyracantha if anyone is interested.
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