2 things...
The first being that I would half to disagree regarding the assessed value...
I agree, that the material you have found is worth retrieving... but, I also
know this isn't some long lost, one of a kind find, many a yard across the
US will have similar material.
The second being, that this will have roots spread out in all directions...
underneath all the other Juni's... It will not be hard to retrieve... just extremely
time consuming, and you will end up having to remove all the surrounding
plants around it, just to try and obtain as much of the roots as possible.
They can more than likely be re-planted if you are careful, when removing these
other plants.
Keep all the roots you can maintain, and wrap them in a circle and pile them into
a training pot. I have had to dig these out in the middle of summer, surrounded
by other plants as yours is... Took about 8 hrs. of removing soil all by hand, one
scoop at a time.
I wouldn't trench it... I would just stress it out the once, get it over with, and
let it recover for 2, 3 yrs., or more.
Values on material are based on the northeast part of the country. I know some people that don't live here find it hard to believe, however, it is just a fact around here. I am not happy about it, believe me.
My assessment was based on a healthy tree that has been thriving for a while and styled. Also that I actually worked at a bonsai nursery. For the record, right now, little junipers with one twist, with or without shari and around 1 inch trunks are now going for $200-$300. A tree that is 10 times older and 50 times the size, healthy and styled would absolutely get the prices I suggested.
As with everything, you have to provide proof so here it is.
