@Dav4 [ a play on Rav4 by any chance ?]
As I explained I like to read and I often read at Universities and thus often more deeply.
The approach to Bonsai, is simply because the views down here are closer to the original
Chinese scholar approach to the growing of these trees.
For relaxing the mind and inspiration, not exhibition or trying to turn them into Art Forms,
because they outgrow the designs and thus why the research has turned to Holograms.
So that the design can be presented more along the lines of an oil painting and stand
as an example of excellence for let's say an eternity.
Hey, we water by hand, and it allows a very personal connection to each plant.
Weeding gives you chance to really observe what is happening to the plant.
The idea behind looking after something is simply ------- Love.
Making the soil, the pots, even the tools represent personal effort.
Growing from seed /cutting, to do from the very beginning is also a sign of deep Love.
We throw it out as being cheap, but anyone able to - See -- will tell you that is the
highest level of dedication to what you are doing.
It is just easier to satisfy Joe Average by saying ---------- we are cheap.[ Where is Mike for
the BS answer
Common sense ------ creating a Yi Xing type pot requires science and art.
Clay is found, cleaned, and processed. Often samples pre-fired to determine contractions,
so you end up with the shape designed to the inch or cm if you prefer.
Glazes are designed to fit expansions, and designed from scratch, not bought in a
Just to give that tree it's special home.
And the pots are hand built, not wheel turned.
So yeah, we are different and restrictive, if you want to think so.
We also do metal and jewellery casting, metal tools are a breeze for Bonsai.
2 years time it will be 41/40 years in the Hobby and teaching for free.
Still have the earlier efforts, you have seen some of them.
Hope that helps.
Good Day