Anonymous User
Why? How does it do those things? I guess the second it would take me to stop and pick up something else might speed me up a mite, but how it'll make my work better is the thing I haven't heard one person actually explain. How does it help your design... or wiring? Pruning with a little more comfort maybe... but will it help you pick the right twiglet? Doubtful.... So when statements are made that it'll make your work better, I am lost.
I'm open to being convinced... but aside from pat assurances, please someone, show me via photographs what the difference it makes in the end work on the tree. But I do totally concede the tool cleaning up thing... that's a plus for sure. But I generally only use one hand tool anyway... so maybe not so much for me.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it... have fun. I have picked up Jim Gremel's and held it... the one thing I would give it is that it's very light.
Do concave cutters make your work better, let's say than simply using anvil cutters?
Do blunt tipped wire cutters make your work better than using a pair of diagonal cutters?
No tool will give you talent, no tool will pick the right branch to cut, or the right place to cut it, but the tools you choose to use certainly can make the work you do better. If this was not the case there would be no bonsai tool market, we would all be using anvil cutters and hack saws. (not to say bonsai could not be created with such, but to make the point that the right tool can help, as anyone who has tried to open a can with a screwdriver can tell you.)
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