Marc Noelanders workshop


Imperial Masterpiece
Reaction score
Orléans, France, Europe
Next week, the Noelanders Trophy will take place in Belgium.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend it. But I've had the pleasure of taking part in the first workshop Marc has held in France, our local clubs invited him.

There were about 20 participants, a few of them from Belgium, and each one brought a tree that was studied in group, and then worked by their owners according to Marc's advice.

And Marc is such a nice, friendly person, not only did we learn a lot, but we had a wonderful time.

I've put a slideshow of the event on our website: for most of the trees you can see the "raw material", a sketch by Marc, and the tree after its owner had worked on it. The evolution of some of the trees is remarkable.

Here's the link : Chanteau 2008 (to skip the blah blah in French, go to the bottom of the page and click on the fade in/out images)
Does anybody know if Marc has a website?:confused: I asked Google and he didn't know. Thanks
I don't think so : there is a section on the "Bonsai Association Belgium", called "Bonsai Art Noelanders", but it only displays an "Under construction" sign.
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