Mame pots on a mini pottery wheel

Please glaze them and display. I would love to buy something for my little erodium. It flowered today!
I will be glazing some of them. This clay can be fired at Cone 6 to Cone 10. Below is what the clay should look like after being fired. The community kiln I will be going to has a gas kiln that they fire to Cone 10 in reduction. So some of the pots should come as the Cone 10 reduction pic below. But for me I would like to see a darker brown if the pot will be fired to maturity unglazed. I'm thinking about just getting a base stain in brown to darken up the color but still being able to fire at Cone 6. My personal kiln only fires up to Cone 8. Once they are done I will for sure post pics up. Share some pics of your flowers.

Fired at Cone 6

Fired at Cone 10

Fired at Cone 10 Reduction
Very pretty, I do have one pink pot I think. But if you make it that color, then I would have to buy it and I have nothing small enough to put in it. AND I have been on a bit of a pot buying binge this winter.....
New pots for new trees? 😜
I will be glazing some of them. This clay can be fired at Cone 6 to Cone 10. Below is what the clay should look like after being fired. The community kiln I will be going to has a gas kiln that they fire to Cone 10 in reduction. So some of the pots should come as the Cone 10 reduction pic below. But for me I would like to see a darker brown if the pot will be fired to maturity unglazed. I'm thinking about just getting a base stain in brown to darken up the color but still being able to fire at Cone 6. My personal kiln only fires up to Cone 8. Once they are done I will for sure post pics up. Share some pics of your flowers.

Fired at Cone 6
View attachment 359843

Fired at Cone 10
View attachment 359844

Fired at Cone 10 Reduction
View attachment 359845
Here's my little guy that I'm looking for a 2" pot

@Pitoon really really love these pots! I’ve just got a wheel myself. I’m a complete beginner and only just started being able to center and throw some simple shapes. However there ain’t much info as far as I know or can find, on how to throw pots like these. I would love to see a video of your process to learn from!
@Pitoon really really love these pots! I’ve just got a wheel myself. I’m a complete beginner and only just started being able to center and throw some simple shapes. However there ain’t much info as far as I know or can find, on how to throw pots like these. I would love to see a video of your process to learn from!
@Fred1991 Thanks for the compliments! Just this week I was thinking about making a video. The problem is that these little pots take on average about 4hrs each to make start to finish.

The video I was thinking to do was a 'POV' point of view type video where you would only see my hands and pot while I'm working on it. There comes a point though where the pot is in my hand for a good amount of time, maybe 2-3hrs. During this time I'm doing a lot of movements bending back and forth to see if the pot is symmetrical.....placing it on the wheel and removing it off the wheel.....etc. The whole time my hands are either wet or has clay on them. I would have to keep re adjusting my phone with wet or dirty hands and I'm not sure if I want to do that. Then comes learning how to edit the video which I'm sure I can learn, but really short on time to do so. As you can see I haven't posted a new pot in a while as I don't have the time right now to make one.

The way I do my pots is that I have to finish them once I start them because I use a torch to dry them to leather hard. Once they are leather hard you can hold them without distorting them much. The downside by doing this is that the clock is ticking to do all the detailing. There is only a small window to do the detailing and then the polishing of the pot. Out of that time window any modifications to the pot just won't look right as the pot will be too dry. Once the pot is done I place plastic over it for about 3 days for the moisture to balance itself within the clay if not the clay will crack because I used the torch to dry it quickly. The moisture has to be balanced within the clay to dry bone dry without cracking.

What type of wheel did you get? The same as mine? If you have questions I can try to answer.
I got a bigger one actually

That’s super helpful pitoon thanks for offering. I don’t really know where to start in terms of questions. I was hoping to learning by watching 😂

Theres so much I don’t understand yet. What clay to use and so on.
But ofc most essentially how to make the shapes and feet.

Also I know it’s not close within reach of my technical skills i think a lot about how the pots are glazed and especially painted.
I got a bigger one actually

That’s super helpful pitoon thanks for offering. I don’t really know where to start in terms of questions. I was hoping to learning by watching 😂

Theres so much I don’t understand yet. What clay to use and so on.
But ofc most essentially how to make the shapes and feet.

Also I know it’s not close within reach of my technical skills i think a lot about how the pots are glazed and especially painted.
Have you considered taking a local pottery class on how to use the wheel? It could be helpful in your case? Watching videos can only do so much, sometimes you need to see things first hand.
I have! And I’ve enrolled on a course when lockdown is over. I got the wheel as the course was cancelled beginning of the year. I’ve really enjoyed learning from videoes and actually learned I think quite a bit just from watching people’s hand movements and so on. But they are working a lot with bigger balls of clay so it doesn’t translate exactly to small pots. And no one really shows how they do the feet.
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