Mame pots on a mini pottery wheel

Have you looked at Foredom motors, specifically TX series. They are 1/4 hp, variable speed, with full torque at low rpm. I have a number of them and they continue to impress me. You may have to gear it down quite a bit but that would give you more torque. Might be more than you want to spend.
Have you looked at Foredom motors, specifically TX series. They are 1/4 hp, variable speed, with full torque at low rpm. I have a number of them and they continue to impress me. You may have to gear it down quite a bit but that would give you more torque. Might be more than you want to spend.
Yeah I did as well as the Harbor Freight "copy version". I've looked for hours and days for a motor. The problem with those motors is that they are AC. I don't want to risk the high voltage with having a water source in such a close proximity. So with that in mind I was looking for a small DC motor. Several issues came up cost, motor size, RPM, arbor size, voltage....etc. I finally decided on getting this 997 motor and will pair it with an XL timing pulley. At 12V it's rated at 3000RPM, I should be able to drop the RPMs dramatically with the pulley pairing and then fine tune with a potentiometer. The torque is rated at max 26kg /cm.....let see how true these specs are!
After searching for a while I managed to find a place out in Cali that sells pure rice straw, I ordered a small bale and now need to burn it to collect the ash. I also managed to find Ulexite powder in Canada.......impossible to find in the USA as a powder!

So I'm getting close to having everything I need to make the Hagi glaze. @ABCarve I would love to trade a pint of Hagi glaze for the glaze you used on this pot. If you're interested let me know.......cause i'm interested, lol!

The Hagi glaze is at Cone 5/6 oxidation and should look like this.......

Here's the bale of pure rice straw.......
rice straw.jpg
burnt rice hulls are really good in houseplant soil as well. i run some wood ash in my mixes and under tomato
burnt rice hulls are really good in houseplant soil as well. i run some wood ash in my mixes and under tomato
My alternative to the rice straw was to use rice hulls as they are easier to find, but from what I read the ash from rice straw has more silica in it.

How much do you use for your tomato plants? I grow tomatoes here as well, but can never get them good looking or without splitting as the get ripe.
My alternative to the rice straw was to use rice hulls as they are easier to find, but from what I read the ash from rice straw has more silica in it.

How much do you use for your tomato plants? I grow tomatoes here as well, but can never get them good looking or without splitting as the get ripe.
i caught a tip from either 'epic gardening' or 'MI gardener' on youtube they say the yield on tomato is significant if you plant w wood ash. we had a drought and i had shyt soil last year and nothing to speak of. i will bury some wood ash under tomatoes this year. ill use like .5 or 1 cup under each plant therabouts

well then:
According to a study from a group of environmental scientists at the University of Kuopio in Finland, human urine and wood ash make a reasonably potent tomato fertilizer, boosting plant growth and fruit yield dramatically over untreated plants and nearly keeping pace with conventional fertilizer.Sep 4, 2009
i caught a tip from either 'epic gardening' or 'MI gardener' on youtube they say the yield on tomato is significant if you plant w wood ash. we had a drought and i had shyt soil last year and nothing to speak of. i will bury some wood ash under tomatoes this year. ill use like .5 or 1 cup under each plant therabouts

well then:
According to a study from a group of environmental scientists at the University of Kuopio in Finland, human urine and wood ash make a reasonably potent tomato fertilizer, boosting plant growth and fruit yield dramatically over untreated plants and nearly keeping pace with conventional fertilizer.Sep 4, 2009
This year I was planning to add epsom salt. I'll also try adding some ash. I collected some seeds from a black tomato from Elba Island maybe 12yrs ago I'm going to try to grow these here again, these tomatoes were really tasty!
This year I was planning to add epsom salt. I'll also try adding some ash. I collected some seeds from a black tomato from Elba Island maybe 12yrs ago I'm going to try to grow these here again, these tomatoes were really tasty!
very cool
Some interesting tree info I picked up the other day.

From dem boys @WSS.


Seems increasing/decreasing certain areas of these things can provide better trees heh?

Some interesting tree info I picked up the other day.

From dem boys @WSS.

Seems increasing/decreasing certain areas of these things can provide better trees heh?

per nature too (forest come back stronger and self regulate with forest fires -im sure some hairs could be split there-
Some interesting tree info I picked up the other day.

From dem boys @WSS.
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View attachment 356927

Seems increasing/decreasing certain areas of these things can provide better trees heh?

Good info there! I wonder if there is a list of other native trees mineral composition on the different parts of the tree.
Maybe I can drop a fish into the hole and plant the tomato plant on top of it?
Might end up with critters digging up your tomato plant to get to the fish.
I finished this pot late last night. I think with the right glaze it will look really good.

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Your little pots are amazing! The detail and time you've taken to make them certainly are reflected in the pot. Nice, focused images too. Any glazed and fired pics yet? Are you going to sell them? Looking for a nice 2" round pot for my new erodium "tree" ;):p


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Your little pots are amazing! The detail and time you've taken to make them certainly are reflected in the pot. Nice, focused images too. Any glazed and fired pics yet? Are you going to sell them? Looking for a nice 2" round pot for my new erodium "tree" ;):p
Thanks for the kind words! I'm still tired from doing last night's pot, lol. Your erodium looks nice, I think a 2" pot would fit it nicely.

No glazed pics as of yet. I need to make probably 2 or 3 dozen pots to take to get bisque. I'm dependent on a community kiln at the moment. I still have to run 220V into my garage to set up my kiln......probably this spring when it warms up outside.

Yes, I'll be selling the pots once they are ready. They will be posted on BNut first of course. Stay in contact maybe we can work something out in the future, just PM me.
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