I really like your work in general, but I think this pot is my favorite. If my wife wasn't already complaining how I have way too many pots, I'd've definitely bid
River's Edge, You've got me going for a Chojubai now!! I will be searching around Stockton and if not I'll find one probably up in your neck of the woods....
And NateDyke47, I know exactly where you're at. And don't let the bonsai cause problems at home (I have been in the dog house for many of moon.....)
USPS has this one marked as "Moving Through Network, In Transit to Next Facility, Arriving Late". Considering it's been in Seattle since Saturday, I take this to mean "we're not sure where it's at, but it'll probably turn up".
You did. I’m sure it’ll show up, but I’m especially inpatient for this one of all my packages. Busy times for the fine folk of the Postal Service!
The landscape image of this pots glaze reminds me quite a bit of Deception Pass State Park. This park has a well known Douglas fir, estimated to be over 800 years living on a barrier sand dune!
The landscape image of this pots glaze reminds me quite a bit of Deception Pass State Park. This park has a well known Douglas fir, estimated to be over 800 years living on a barrier sand dune!