looking for help please


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Boston, MA USA
So Early spring I decided to have 2 of my trees "professionally " re potted since they are the oldest and most expensive trees I own.
Well long story shirt I can only figure that they killed one out right since it never produces a single bud or leaf.

the second - this one san Jose juniper- seems to be heading down hill too. It did not produce any new growth with a few small acceptations.
It's in the same pot, same place and the only new is I switched from one grand of organic feed to another<

tree is in a spot where it get AM light to about noonish and then shade.
hoping to get some advice on what I can do to save it,


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It’s very hard to tell much from the pics posted but I do notice a couple of things and have questions:

1) How was it overwintered?

2) How early in the spring are we talking on that repot?

3) What was the aftercare after the repot?

I notice that there appears to be a lot of green algae growth on the wood of the tree pictured which indicates to me that it might have been staying too damp and dark in its winter spot.

I had several junipers also go downhill hard after this past winter and the winter before. Both had crazy days of temperature fluctuation that i notice junipers in general dislike.

So it may be the repot, or it may be that these guys suffered some winter problems that you’re just now seeing and were exacerbated by a repot.

At this point with this guy I say gradually give a little more sunshine and keep a close eye on the pot. You may find the new soil and the old soil keep moisture differently and you want to try to keep them uniformally moist to try to encourage root growth into the new soil. Don’t let that tree get too jostled either, hopefully they tied it well into the pot.

Good luck!
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