Level of risk repotting small Satsuki Azalea in early July ... aka NOW?


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Southern Louisiana
Have small 1 gallon nursery Satsuki Azalea in great shape and has finished flowering. Would like to go ahead and repot with shohin size in mind. There would be a good bit of root pruning and reduction. Any advice or experience repotting them this time of year? Avg. temps in low 90s here in Louisiana right now.

Thanks in advance,
I'm not far from you. I've done it this time of year and they do ok. But if you can wait till spring that would be best. If you decide to do it now make sure you use a root stimulator. And keep it in the shade. Make sure down here with them you use a well draining mix with them.
Too hot in LA, I'd guess. I would not repot here in NC because of the heat (low to mid 90s F.).

You could do top work now and bring the top down to what yu want, the carefully debud any buds that form over late summer, fall and winter, then repot in early spring. You'd forgo flowers next year, but that should be a good tradeoff for tree survival.
I've done this successfully with other (non-Satsuki) azaleas around the end of August or start of September.

My observations are that most temperate species enter a period of stasis (elongation ceases for a period of time) around August/September. Subsequently growth resumes along with a surge in the rate of root growth just like in spring. I am of the mind that this is controlled by the length of day - the rate of thickening peaks just after the solstice (about now, as a matter of fact) - hence, I suspect it is no different for Satsukis. I think that root recovery won't happen until Aug/Sep anyway, so it may be necessary to keep your Satsuki in the shade and sacrifice the growth that would happen in the meantime.

Try it and let us know how it works out.
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Have small 1 gallon nursery Satsuki Azalea in great shape and has finished flowering. Would like to go ahead and repot with shohin size in mind. There would be a good bit of root pruning and reduction. Any advice or experience repotting them this time of year? Avg. temps in low 90s here in Louisiana right now.

If you repot now, make sure you protect it from the wind and sun for a couple weeks.
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Yup. We'd all love to see the dead azalea.

That was uncalled for. Dream crusher.But probably the truth.
JKL is right though. Doing a repot and root work would probably be very detrimental to the tree. I would wait until spring.
Patience is a virtue. But hard to apply sometimes.
Honest it may be an ok time of year there. I would PM johng with the question if he does not see this thread. They are pretty sturdy in these parts and might be even stronger there. Go safe and ask a pro :)

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