Lava Cinder Trip: Oregon


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Willamette Valley, Oregon
I am planning on going up to the lava cinder pit on Hwy 20/22 next week May 8th or 9th. I will go up early and pick up the permit and then head to the pit. I can dig 2 cubic yards on 1 permit. I don't need that much. If someone else wants to meet me up there they can dig on my permit. The permit is good for 30 days, I probably will go again early June. Bring a sifter, shovel and some buckets. let me know if anyone wants to go, Pm here and we will get in touch. There is both black and red cinders.


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Damn, this is tempting. I can’t do weekdays.

I didn’t know this requires a permit! I won’t make the mistake of digging without one :)
I am going May 9th. Ya that big sign at the beginning of the road can be deceiving. :p I am just messing around. I had to get out of my truck to be able to read the sign.
I have just been picking up the stuff on the roadside LOL. A pit dig sounds like a lot more fun. I wonder if there's any chunks to be found? I'm always looking for cinder with holes. Put me down for a possible maybe and I will see if I can swing a road trip. There really is lots of the stuff a stone's throw from here so maybe I can work in a little nursery hop along the way.
Not to side track the discussion but do you know how hard it would be to get some large pieces? Lets say soccer or volley ball size? If so where?
Many years ago I saw pot carved out of a chunk of cinder and have been wanting to do something similar ever since.
I live in Central Wa and don't get down that way very much any more, but do expect to be in Bend for a few days this summer.
Thanks for any info you can provide.
I'll be in Hood River that weekend. How far is this from there? And is this cinder just the same as the red lava you buy at the box stores?
I'll be in Hood River that weekend. How far is this from there? And is this cinder just the same as the red lava you buy at the box stores?
Wait. Nevermind, I'll be there JUNE 8-9 weekend. Sorry
There are large pieces too, I saw stuff from baseball to 3' diameter. Most of the larger ones are 1' diameter.

Certain areas had the larger stuff similar to what you get at the box stores. Some area had fines. I saw some of everything
Not to side track the discussion but do you know how hard it would be to get some large pieces? Lets say soccer or volley ball size? If so where?
Many years ago I saw pot carved out of a chunk of cinder and have been wanting to do something similar ever since.
I live in Central Wa and don't get down that way very much any more, but do expect to be in Bend for a few days this summer.
Thanks for any info you can provide.
I have seen big chunk and slab pieces for sale at aquarium and pond supply businesses. If you're interested in a couple of chunks I would be glad to package it up.
I'll be in Hood River that weekend. How far is this from there? And is this cinder just the same as the red lava you buy at the box stores?
Not trying to derail, but there's a lava mine similar to this on Fillmore. They don't charge much for the little stuff.
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