Las Vegas...

I'm thinking I would like to see you make me leave.
Because you would protect yourself however way you could? Let me remind you that as ax is a lousy weapon to take to a gun fight. It's nice to sit back and boast even if to yourself, that you would tear a perps head off and crap in it. That might be possible if you were close enough to grab the ass hole before he pulled the trigger making the physical advantage in strength irrelevant. The expression: God made man and Sam Colt made them equal is more or less true.
Maybe both, but that's your concern. I realized that we have the same values, and share most of our cultural, moral references (and inspiration), but for a couple of "details" like gun culture. (1)

Excellent trees: thanks for posting.

(1) A movie scene suddenly crosses my mind. Can't remember the title, but it was a kind of breakthrough in Western films:

A bandit had taken a woman hostage and threatening to kill her while protecting himself behind her.
...Suddenly: BANG!
The girl collapses, a bullet in her soulder, the man behind her, slightly taller gets the bullet right in his (dark) heart. Or so I suppose, because he falls dead on the ground.

The girl is still alive.

The sheriff puts his gun back into his holster (or whatever you call it), and says in a very neutral tone smthg like "She'll live".

(I'm not sure but I think Gary Cooper was the sheriff. Anyone remembers the title of the film?...)
Thanks for the comment about the trees, and the shot through the shoulder has been schtick for quite a while in American films done by people that know nothing about what happens when someone is actually shot. You are quoting High Noon with Gary Cooper but it has been used in several films over the decades. Oddly; it takes a better shot to pull that off without destroying the life and limbs of the innocent individual that it would to pop the perp between the eyes.

When a high caliber round at a high velocity goes through flesh it produces an activity called cavitation that takes a 1/2 inch round, and makes an internal mess about four inches accross. It just does'nt poke an equivalent hole through the shoulder. Why do you thing most bullet wounds in the civil war resulted in death or amputation? A small bullet hitting bone usually destroys that bone. A bullet going through the shoulder is going to pass through the shoulder blade. If it has the velocity to go through the shoulder blade it is going to destroy the shoulder blade.
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Because you would protect yourself however way you could? Let me remind you that as ax is a lousy weapon to take to a gun fight. It's nice to sit back and boast even if to yourself, that you would tear a perps head off and crap in it. That might be possible if you were close enough to grab the ass hole before he pulled the trigger making the physical advantage in strength irrelevant. The expression: God made man and Sam Colt made them equal is more or less true.
Who is going to use an axe?
I'm not going to a gunfight either.
My wife has the gun.
I have other means. If someone has an assault rifle that tells me they can't hit shit or they wouldn't need so many shots.
They will be made my bitch before they hit me.
We're talking invaders in my home right?
Let them come in at their own risk.
Why be scared all of the time Vance?
I tried. I really did.
Amendment means a change in the original plan. It needs a new amendment.
It's not going to happen. If it does it will have to happen as a result of a Constitutional Convention which will open up the Constitution for changes all over the document. Do you trust the ass holes in government with that power? If it goes wrong and it will, you'll be lucky to have any rights when this bunch is done.
Who is going to use an axe?
I'm not going to a gunfight either.
My wife has the gun.
I have other means. If someone has an assault rifle that tells me they can't hit shit or they wouldn't need so many shots.
They will be made my bitch before they hit me.
We're talking invaders in my home right?
Let them come in at their own risk.
Why be scared all of the time Vance?
Why is it that being in favor of defending one's self is equal to being afraid? That is a condescending argument that the left loves to use while they hide behind their armed guards and gated communities.
Do you trust the ass holes in government with that power?
Not the one at the top.
But these guns aren't needed in the private sector.
They're out but there is no need to make more available is there? Unless everyone has one to once again make everybody equal right?
Just think how much less the damage would be if this guy had to reload after every 5 rounds not whatever those giant clips held.
Why is it that being in favor of defending one's self is equal to being afraid? That is a condescending argument that the left loves to use while they hide behind their armed guards and gated communities.
No armed guards or gates here Vance.
I'm not against being able to defend yourself or your loved ones. I would defend them and you too.
I'm against weapons of mass destruction being made to the public.
I understand that everyone can't be great with knives,sticks,or hands and feet. And criminals will use guns. But assault rifles aren't needed.
And for the record.
When it comes to self defense I'm all for it.
Probably the biggest proponent of self defense here.

It still is Mike...Just don't get caught...
I was born and raised in Detroit, saw Military service, returned to Detroit, started my own business in a Detroit Hood, moved on to other cities known as Detroit Suburbs, now retired and live 5 minutes from Detroit and visit the City a lot....
It is still a Culture of "Do Whatever You Want, Just Don't Get Caught"....
Country folk like yourself are just living in a different, softer Culture...
It still is Mike
Not so sure anymore.
What other country has a guy shooting innocent people on a mass scale with guns we don't need available to the public?
What other countries leader says there are good people in white supremacist rallies?
Even China is cutting coal usage. They are fast becoming the leader in renewable energy sources. Someone here thinks if he deregulated emissions on coal plants it won't hurt the enviornment.
Trying to give tax cuts to the rich and corporations. The tax bracket I'm in,the bottom one gets raised.
I may live away from a city where people are scared of others but I have worked in those places. I'll say this too. The neighborhoods with black,Mexican or Muslim I trimmed trees in I've never had a problem. It's the ones that are white with money that are the worst. They think they have rights and will shoot if a tree is touched. We don't trim those. We remove them while that person sits in jail a cop car and watches us kill the trees. Did it just last fall. Not really his property.
Where I live there is at least 1 gun in every home. You would be hard pressed to find an A.R. They had them at bargain basement prices last year at the local hardware. None sold.
You still don't want to walk into a house here. It isn't so soft here either.
Remember here is where those off duty city cops came up missing some years back. They pissed off the wrong guy or guys. Now they're just gone. There's even a book about it.
Mike said....
What other country has a guy shooting innocent people on a mass scale with guns we don't need available to the public?
What other countries leader says there are good people in white supremacist rallies?

In my lifetime Mike...Hitler at 11 million Jews not to mention another 10 Million of others...
Jos Stalin more that 22 Million, most his own people...
Mao Se Tung...Millions of peasants for daring to become intelligent...
Pol Pot for Ideaology differing with his..
I could go on and on but you get it I'm sure...
Mike said....
What other country has a guy shooting innocent people on a mass scale with guns we don't need available to the public?
What other countries leader says there are good people in white supremacist rallies?

In my lifetime Mike...Hitler at 11 million Jews not to mention another 10 Million of others...
Jos Stalin more that 22 Million, most his own people...
Mao Se Tung...Millions of peasants for daring to become intelligent...
Pol Pot for Ideaology differing with his..
I could go on and on but you get it I'm sure...
And making those comparisons only makes my statement even more scary.
Hitler got his base. Fired them up.
First he took over the media. Isolated the country. Divided them.
I'm sure you can get where I'm going.
Mike said....
What other country has a guy shooting innocent people on a mass scale with guns we don't need available to the public?
What other countries leader says there are good people in white supremacist rallies?

In my lifetime Mike...Hitler at 11 million Jews not to mention another 10 Million of others...
Jos Stalin more that 22 Million, most his own people...
Mao Se Tung...Millions of peasants for daring to become intelligent...
Pol Pot for Ideaology differing with his..
I could go on and on but you get it I'm sure...
Well, well... fkn well.
That's a wrap. Nothing more needs saying. It is crystal clear. And the point has been made.
A US citizen comparing their own country to the above quoted examples....
Where a false sense of freedom is obtained unknowingly paradoxically, and seemingly naively, by gun ownership to protect against other guns.
I'd say get me the fk out.
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Well, well... fkn well.
That's a wrap. Nothing more needs saying. It is crystal clear. And the point has been made.
A US citizen comparing their own country to the above quoted examples....
Where a false sense of freedom is obtained unknowingly paradoxically, and seemingly naively, by gun ownership to protect against other guns.
I'd say get me the fk out.
If you are in Australia then you are already the fk out, what are you talking about? You just hate America and will tear down what America is by tearing down what has made America what America is. You don't have to like it you don't even have to pay for it if you want out don't come here as to this thread?
A US citizen comparing their own country to the above quoted examples
I know!
No one even had to bring up the Nazi stuff. He did. And compared us to them and the others!
And he's one of them Trump supporters.
Crazy huh?
They seem to think we aren't headed down that road when the signs are there to see.
The 2nd amendment that gives these crazies the right to own weapons of mass destruction was put in place so we could defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. The problem is the founding fathers didn't know the tyrannical government we need to fight has bombs,tanks and planes.
All of these 2nd amendment people that don't want any gun laws put into the books don't realize that they might as well have a stick in their hands when an M1 Abrams rolls up into their yard to bow down to the said tyrannical government.
Their little assault rifles,pistols or whatever will be useless.
As to defending a home from criminals a regular old shotgun is better than an assault rifle or a pistol.
If you are in Australia then you are already the fk out, what are you talking about?
Calm down and read it again.... "I'd say....". Just sayi'n.

You just hate America and will tear down what America is by tearing down what has made America what America is. You don't have to like it you don't even have to pay for it if you want out don't come here as to this thread?
I don't hate America at all.
I have visited quite a few times, from west-coast to east-coast, and bits in between, and have spent a fair bit of time there - I like the US and it's people a lot (except LA... it is a shithole).
I am not tearing down anything, and accusing me of such is a sooky emotional response. I merely pointed out how irrational your gun argument is.
I'd also argue that it was certainly not guns that made America what America is either, and to claim so is both ridiculous, and discourteous to the country's founders and subsequent hard-workers.
A bit more maturity wouldn't go astray... heh?
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