I'm reminded of the Senator,it feels like a long time ago he suffered an indignity.
Did he come back from his knees?
Did he come back from his knees?
This pic is of a Swampy grown by a fellow Australian and I have loved this tree from the minute I first saw it, and I am basing the style of my monster on this fine specimen.
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Thanks Mach5.... The branches will all eventually be angled down quite acutely which will add drama and age to the tree. this will be a gradual process, but as you can see in the last photo, the comparison shot of the angle of the bottom 2 branches when freshly dug, to the recent pic on the left, where I have ropes and turnbuckles in action. Swamp Cypress branches are quite flexible so it will happen. All new branches are being wired down as they grow. Just have their tips facing upward to keep early vigour in them.
This pic is of a Swampy grown by a fellow Australian and I have loved this tree from the minute I first saw it, and I am basing the style of my monster on this fine specimen.
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John.... you're absolutely correct.... I've made a grave mistake I'm sorry. I made reference to the wonderful Guy Guidry earlier in this post and I've confused the ownership of this fabulous tree. I will find Grant Bowie's tree when I get some more time and post it here as it is also a wonderful source of inspiration. Thanks for the pick up John.There must be some mistake here...this tree was created by guy Guidry and currently lives in the pacific rim bonsai collection??
http://www.helpfulgardener.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=32122. Scroll to the 5th or 6th post by Victrinia
just curious as this tree has also served as inspiration for my work with cypress.
Hi Judy,Now we are all wondering what those tridents must look like!
Last winter saw the removal of around 24 Trident Maples from the ground after 15yrs of growing, periodic root work, pre styling & shaping..... here are a few from that dig.
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