What kinds of trees have the jins? I live in N. Georgia, and the oaks that have dead branches will have them fall off in a year or so. Deadwood rots in our climate. Smaller branches fall off, and the tree heals over. Larger wound rot out, and you get a hollow trunk.
Jins are naturally occuring in the "high desert" kinds of trees like juniper or mountain pines. The wood gets sunbleached out.
What kinds of trees have the jins? I live in N. Georgia, and the oaks that have dead branches will have them fall off in a year or so. Deadwood rots in our climate. Smaller branches fall off, and the tree heals over. Larger wound rot out, and you get a hollow trunk.
Jins are naturally occuring in the "high desert" kinds of trees like juniper or mountain pines. The wood gets sunbleached out.