Ok... So I love the work... I knew you all would be pleased... But I was just contemplating it a bit ago... and I realized I liked it better from about 5 degrees or so off center.... It resolves some things I wish were different in the structure... and gives it a bit more harmony for me.
Thanks Victrinia,
I absolutely love this tree! Either way I might add. But I agree, I prefer the slight change of view. Here are my reasons: First, (please excuse my lack of a better description) The original viewing looks a bit like a squatty old man, hunching over with a pot belly...(no disrespect to the tree...or old men) while the slight change of view seems to make the tree look stronger and less "squatty." Second, Dave mentioned that he likes how the original viewing "highlights the old trunk with all it's uros and carving;" I agree somewhat but my personal preference is to slightly hide part of that "highlight" so that you feel drawn in, to seek out those areas, rather than make them too obvious. It is more mysterious and causes you to wonder what lays inside those partially hidden areas. It just seems more magestic to me. Like a hidden treasure calling to you. Sorry for rambling. Take it for what you will. The tree is amazing any way you look at it.