I answered an add on my local Craigslist about someone wanting to remove/sell a 'Chinese maple' in their yard. I assume they meant Japanese maple. Apparently it has been in their landscape for years and is a tree of adult proportions, perhaps 20 ft tall. Would it be possible to collect such a tree by trunk chopping it on site and digging it up? Would a tree that old back bud reliably? How much rootball would I need, tools for the job etx etc. Theyre asking $50 there are two available, but i only plan on taking one. I know you more seasoned guys (and gals) know all the questions I have racing in my mind. I just want to know first is it even worth attempting, and how exactly could I pull it off successfully. I'm making an appointment to go see them in person this week. So I would want to feel up to the task beforehand. Thanks!