Knocking on doors

"Hi, I'm obsessed with miniature trees. Can I take some of your stuff?"
This is pretty much how I go about it.

Do note: Difference between private property and company property. When it is company property, make sure you ask for the right person first.

WIth family homes I pick a sensible hour to ring a doorbell. Saturday after breakfast, before lunch is great. Right after dinner not so much, if there are kids...

Dress properly, as if you were going for a BBQ and there will be lots of new people. Casual yet not like you were in the yard for 6 hours. Bring all you need to dig a tree in csae you get a yes, please, go ahead.

Walk up to the door, ring the bell / knock. I tell the owners that I have a silly question, about a plant on their property. Then explain that I would like to dig it. Explain why. And ask them how I could convince them to let me do that.

Most of the time I look at plants that look old. Bare in foliage. Dead sections etcetc. Slipping something in like "Of course I would be happy to get you a young fresh replacement" gets them thinking you are serious.

I find people in general are intrigued by the idea.
Most cases.. you can say, “Hey, I REALLY like those ‘x’ you have growing there!” To which the farmer normally responds, “Aw shit, bud. I just hadn’t got the time to dig those out yet.” And thus ensues a “you-dig-it, you-pull-it “style relationship.

Also, while the “family farm” in IDEA is dwindling, around here.. even the small farms are large enough to “sell out to Land-o-lakes (example)” without altering too much.

There’s a property 1 minute from me that has a side field full of tree of Heaven. Yes, it’s an invasive weed, but I want to try it. I have 2 sourced from another location, but wonder if that field might have something good

I contemplate asking if I could look for a good specimen

At the same time, I’d never approach a homeowner to ask if the old car that’s been sitting in their side yard for years is for sale. If there’s no sign, it’s not for sale

A conundrum
At the same time, I’d never approach a homeowner to ask if the old car that’s been sitting in their side yard for years is for sale. If there’s no sign, it’s not for sale
My dad ended up selling his old MG B with a faulty electrical system to someone that did exactly that. He never intended to sell it, but having someone ask if he would made him seriously consider whether he was ever really going to get it fixed himself.
Update. Talked in person Today, was going to Friday but they asked if today was ok… it was., duh. Just talked for a bit outside the farm, didn’t get a chance to walk around because something about young bulls being a liability for me lol… anyway he said these is a pasture area with some maples ,crab apples possibly others worth collecting in Spring. He said just to contact him around then to set up a date so I’m stoked to see whats there! I have a few other farms to contact/ I’m waiting for answer on after they said they’ll think it over.
Maybe show the home owner pictures of your work and of air layers cause most will have no idea and will think your a lunatic.
Update. Talked in person Today, was going to Friday but they asked if today was ok… it was., duh. Just talked for a bit outside the farm, didn’t get a chance to walk around because something about young bulls being a liability for me lol… anyway he said these is a pasture area with some maples ,crab apples possibly others worth collecting in Spring. He said just to contact him around then to set up a date so I’m stoked to see whats there! I have a few other farms to contact/ I’m waiting for answer on after they said they’ll think it over.
Good for you!
This is pretty much how I go about it.

Do note: Difference between private property and company property. When it is company property, make sure you ask for the right person first.

WIth family homes I pick a sensible hour to ring a doorbell. Saturday after breakfast, before lunch is great. Right after dinner not so much, if there are kids...

Dress properly, as if you were going for a BBQ and there will be lots of new people. Casual yet not like you were in the yard for 6 hours. Bring all you need to dig a tree in csae you get a yes, please, go ahead.

Walk up to the door, ring the bell / knock. I tell the owners that I have a silly question, about a plant on their property. Then explain that I would like to dig it. Explain why. And ask them how I could convince them to let me do that.

Most of the time I look at plants that look old. Bare in foliage. Dead sections etcetc. Slipping something in like "Of course I would be happy to get you a young fresh replacement" gets them thinking you are serious.

I find people in general are intrigued by the idea.
Unfortunately the American and German culture spread is wide. In my experience German people are almost always nice, even to the the Yankees stationed there :). I have always enjoyed my visits to Germany......I actually miss it :(
Update. Talked in person Today, was going to Friday but they asked if today was ok… it was., duh. Just talked for a bit outside the farm, didn’t get a chance to walk around because something about young bulls being a liability for me lol… anyway he said these is a pasture area with some maples ,crab apples possibly others worth collecting in Spring. He said just to contact him around then to set up a date so I’m stoked to see whats there! I have a few other farms to contact/ I’m waiting for answer on after they said they’ll think it over.
Excellent! Seal the relationship when you return. Offer your hand at the farm or give a gift to the kids if they have any.
Rapport built with empathy as opposed to greed.

Maybe a print out of the process. Knock on the door. I live in cow Town. Trust me...a handshake still goes a long way here. Be up front ... look them in the eye. And explain your interest with the printout showing the process. Explain you will need to water the spaghnum moss occasionally. So they might see you making repeat steps to the location. I can't see anyone saying no. Unless it was on ones ornamental landscape tree.

A firm handshake thanking them before retreating . Is a must.
Haha no greed here these would be personal collection trees (if they are worthy to collect)

Forgive my shortness.

You're basically trying to sell something, they say build rapport. Which works, but usually it is of greed.
Building rapport will get your hands in the field, building it with empathy will make it last forever.

Carol, Farmers strike me as very humble people who don't show off with their 'stuff'
Actually, they're just like everybody else, and you're just not seeing what is to show off for, like a nice barn and silo (size matters), well cared for pastures, crops, fences, house, yard and maybe a nice pickup, ~you know, a farm! A successful farm sticks out like like a sore thumb, and is usually the product of lots of sore thumbs, just plain work. Highly organized and well executed work.
Maybe show the home owner pictures of your work and of air layers cause most will have no idea and will think your a lunatic.
Or, take one with you! They don't get out much.;)
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