Brian, I will say this is one of the best maples I have seen. Good job
I'm not sure, but 3 of the 7 failed, and unfortunately, the best-located of the grafts. One of them died back at the junction, but layered itself along the trunk, so I pinned it down and left it to see if it will fuse.Again beautiful Brian. Definitely a favorite of mine by a long shot. Why do you think some of the grafts failed? Did you apply sulphur again?
I find it kinda funny/curious that the grafts from the same tree don't turn red at the same time...Better shot of the red color...
ohhh I got it... I thought this was a regular Acer PalmatumBarrosinc, these are regular Acer palmatum seedlings grafted at the base to fill in the nebari. They will eventually be cut out once the root systems have merged, and there will only be "Chishio" foliage.