Kashirahoma no tatsumaki - Ponderosa Pine

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Bremerton, WA
I'm hunting for a before photo.... but wanted you to see the tree Kathy decided was her project when she was with us...

She named it Kashirahoma no tatsumaki (Oklahoma Tornado) - a total play on making the name Oklahoma into a Japanese word 'Kashi' for Ok... 'ra' since they don't say 'l's and 'homa'... tatsumaki meaning tornado. Meant to be as amusing and playful as this tree is striking.

It's in a Dale Cochoy bunjin pot.... She loved the pot and put it in there in order to really create that feeling of the tornado ripping up the earth... and the foliage having the sense of being the preceding thundercloud. It's really one of those moments when the photo fails... I'm going to try and get a better one this weekend.


Nice looking trunk. Those wounds look fairly new, was that done recently?
Not wounded... Just cleaned off the bark to expose all the deadwood and find all the edges of the live parts of the tree... I still have to enhance the grain on the newly uncovered parts and then even it out with inked lime sulfur.... I can't stand bone white... so I mix ink into it to take the creepy white edge off the coloration.

Whats marvelous is that it has a twisting pattern of dead wood which just enhances that feeling of motion.

Tagged and bagged all the removed bark in case a flake gets lost off of it and needs some reapplied. lol

Looking good! Thats's a nice one. :)
Killer Ponderosa!

I can't imagine how much one would learn in FOUR days with Kathy Shaner. Did you say she was at a workshop or just stopping by your place to do private lessons?

btw, good to see you back in the fold.
Nice indeed! Also looks like Kathy is "armed and ready" to do a furious style in the first picture - she looks intense *chuckles*

Looks fantastic.

Any tips of collecting ponderosas? I've identified several candidates near my house and with owner approval will be dug up soon. The deer have successfully pruned many of these trees.
I love this tree. I have said it before and I'll say it again. Although I will admit I love all the "cookie cutter" pines. I equally love a great yamadori or yamadori like tree.

Kashirahoma no tatsumaki

no tatsumaki means tornado
how did she come up with a Japanese word for Oklahoma? Just curious
Wonderful tree. Honestly... its the first pondy that I can say that I truly like the feel of. So compact, so strong.
Killer Ponderosa!

I can't imagine how much one would learn in FOUR days with Kathy Shaner. Did you say she was at a workshop or just stopping by your place to do private lessons?

btw, good to see you back in the fold.

Kathy stayed with us for four days, we were hosting her for the club workshop and demo night, then she stayed longer to work with us. The amount one can learn from Kathy in four days is considerable... lol Mostly we talked aesthetics... because that's what Eric and I wanted to develop. The way to approach the work from a spirit of telling the tree's story more than our own. The marriage of tree and pot... kusamono... and tons of story telling of her life and her training. It was an extraordinary experience, and I was more than a little sad to let my dear friend go home. But she's going to come back... she knows she has a home up here whenever she wants. :)

Nice indeed! Also looks like Kathy is "armed and ready" to do a furious style in the first picture - she looks intense *chuckles*


She was armed and dangerous.... lol That woman knows her way around trees to heights I hope to attain. She was so inspiring. Getting on her schedule is hard.... but so worth it.

Looks fantastic.

Any tips of collecting ponderosas? I've identified several candidates near my house and with owner approval will be dug up soon. The deer have successfully pruned many of these trees.

The trick to collecting ponderosa is the environment they are in... easy collects are the best collects. In other words... trees which have been naturally containerized by their position on granite faces or wedged between rocks often are your most successful survivors.


Kashirahoma no tatsumaki

no tatsumaki means tornado
how did she come up with a Japanese word for Oklahoma? Just curious

No attempt was made at legitimacy... mostly it was a pigeon play on the word.
'Kashi' for Ok... 'ra' since they don't say 'la' and 'homa'... She tried to think of what they might do with the word. :cool:

If you ever scare up a before photo, I'd love to see where this one started...
On display at the Pacific Bonsai Museum


On display with 12 other sweethearts of ours until August 10th. :)


Judy..... I'll post a separate thread later this evening.... but this is the table the Ponderosa is on, with the tree that was paired with it. :) A Japanese hornbeam.

This is just breathtaking! Thanks so much for sharing!

If I can develop my own Ponderosa into something even 1/100 as nice, I will be happy, lol.



On display with 12 other sweethearts of ours until August 10th. :)

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