Thank you P41NBOW (what is short for that screen name?).
The foliage needs reducing by maybe 50%, however I'd planned on repotting it this or next month.
Not having the pot commissioned yet, I'll probably reduce the foliage by 30% and wire feeding really well next 2 months,
proactively, to store some energy for a Spring repot, and hack the roots more heavily then.
I could, not reduce, and work the roots some now, but not near as extensively as I would in the Spring personally,
and use a pot I know I'll not be using long term.
EDIT: ...but you get what I'm saying about using what upper growth you have now, to twist up
causing a lack of taper in the trunk should you continue to use what is young and tender now.
Whereas is you reduce the top to where I showed, it creates movement and taper both, just feed and water 2 years
for the most part.