juniper identification

Not even sure what they are, or whether it is legal to collect them???????

OP stated they were juniper in a hedge so it is in somebody's property and would be legal to dig if you had permission to do so.

My point was yea, its a big trunk, but with the long straight branches, can anything really be done with it to make it worth the trouble.
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Not all have straight branches, this was the easy one to get a photo of, some of the nicer ones look healthier, ill try to get some better pics this week, you guys can lmk if you would invest the time.
a very common Juniper chinensis cultivar that was planted widely from the 1930's through to the 1970's was J. chinensis 'Blaauw'. It was over planted in fact, sort of the 'Bradford Pear' of foundation plantings. After about 1975, 'Blaauw' began to fade in popularity, other cultivars were more frequently planted. If these junipers look fairly blue on summer foliage, this may very well be the cultivar. 'Blaauw' does turn bronze in winter.

The clone 'Blaauw' in mature foliage looks a lot like Shimpaku, but fairly blue in color. 'Blaauw' will revert to juvenile foliage with less provacation than Shimpaku. It also is not as tight, or finely branched as 'Shimpaku' but its foliage is better than many of the J. chinensis cultivars for bonsai. Kishu & Itogawa are the best, 'Blaauw' is definitely inferior to them, but it is good enough that if the nebari and first 12 inches of trunk of one of these is interesting, it might be worth working with.

To my eye, I would guess 'Blaauw', I had one for a number of years, until it went to the great compost heap. But of course from a photo I am only guessing, it could be anything.
Thanks Leo, I've been told by someone they have been growing there as long as he could remember, 70's,, could be a bit older , I'm hopeing to shed some light on the issue when I speak to the owner.
Went there today n took a couple photos, there are some with foilage even lower, some of the folks around there were looking at me as if I were crazy taking photos of these.they are also shorter then I estimated, 24-30" tall, with multiple trunks


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Here is one that didn't grow well


  • 20131220_125818.jpg
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Here is one that didn't grow well

Definitely Chinese Juniper, as to which cultivar or sub-species is debatable. It could be Turolosa, or Pitzeriana, or some other cultivar no longer largely available.
I'm not sure if ill ever know which sub species I'm dealing with Vance, if I get the okay I believe I'm gonna dig one and go from there.
I'm not sure if ill ever know which sub species I'm dealing with Vance, if I get the okay I believe I'm gonna dig one and go from there.

That's a good idea that I have no problem with. From what I have seen the last scrubby one you showed is probably the best of the bunch.
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