This is a juniper bonsai and I was told that they need to be kept outside at all hours of the day. I was also told that they like direct sun for 6 to 7 hours but when I started giving it around 6 hours of direct sun the foliage started to yellow the next day. I then moved it to get less sun but the problem continued. Right now the bonsai is getting between 2 to 4 hours of direct sun in the morning and indirect light for the rest of the day. I try to water whenever it looks dry which is usually one to two times a day. I also started misting the foliage once a day when I can. It is summer in AZ right now and temperatures can reach 115°F on some days. Also thought I should mention right before summer(I don't have any pictures unfortunately) it was the greenest I have ever seen it and seemed to be doing well. This is my first tree and I don't want it to die but I don't know what I am doing wrong any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.