I honestly never have until this year. I’m trying something new this year in response to issues I’ve had in the past. Without being too long winded, I adjust my ph every time i water. My water PH sits around 8.0 - 8.2, but according to water quality reports apparently has a relatively low total alkalinity. My trees have always done great in spring and early summer, but by mid season to seasons end they all looked a bit ragged. Even the super hardy varieties that shouldn’t look that way. Ive also never been able to keep maples, and i have several trident this year that are doing pretty well, though 2 have some anthracanose issues I’m battling. My thought is that the plants buffering capacity for poor ph and relative total alkalinity is overwhelmed by seasons end. I’m seeing if i can negate that seeming issue. I may just be projecting, but most of my trees look better than they normally look this time of year. What i do is add 1/4 tsp of citric acid to a 5 gal bucket, it lowers my ph to about 6.0 - 6.2. Its my understanding that it gives my trees there best opportunity to take in all of the trace nutrients and minerals that I’m trying to give them. The whole process is rather quick and not much of a nuisance. I do water with my hose if I’m in a big rush though.