Japanese Maples that Root from Cuttings

Oddly enough, it is one of my least favorite cultivars despite its popularity in both maple and bonsai circles. The beauty of maples to me is the delicate wispy foliage and that is not a feature for Shishigashira.
I couldn't agree with you more. I have had multiple chances to get this cultivar that I have passed on.
Seigen from a very reputable Maple (not bonsai) nursery that has over 500 cultivars. They get most scion material from a huge nursery in the Netherlands called Esveld or something like that.
Esveld is a very well known nursery in the Netherlands indeed, and they do a lot of propagation & as far as I know, bring out new cultivars. I have checked their website in the past, and never been able to find a reliable image of seigen there. In fact, if you do an image search on googly, a lot of people have seigen out there, but they are all different.

The image of seigen above is different from how I have seen Seigen spring foliage, which was really light pink, rather than the near purple of deshojo. It would be nice to have some sort of a site with foliage from all these cultivars..
Esveld is a very well known nursery in the Netherlands indeed, and they do a lot of propagation & as far as I know, bring out new cultivars. I have checked their website in the past, and never been able to find a reliable image of seigen there. In fact, if you do an image search on googly, a lot of people have seigen out there, but they are all different.

The image of seigen above is different from how I have seen Seigen spring foliage, which was really light pink, rather than the near purple of deshojo. It would be nice to have some sort of a site with foliage from all these cultivars..
I will say that out of curiosity i visited the website and it does indeed look different. I just got my Seigen and only saw fall colors but i will post pics as soon as spring comes. It does look different on there and not like the pic from the book that was posted earlier. What i have seen on insta is although a bit different its pretty consistent with the color in the book. It is a type of red with a line of orange. I am not expert in anyway and they might all be seigen but just saying that esveld pics do look different. So i agree with you👍🏻
I also have struck Japanese Beech cutting too and they are impossible (but not high percentage at all)

Thanks for your kind response!

Can you share the name of that nursery that buys from Esveld? There are a number of cultivars I would love to special order from Esveld through them!

You've succeeded with cutting of Fagus crenata?!? :eek: I know guys that have been trying for +30 years... and I myself have not had any luck. Can you give any more detail on your experience? How many cuttings? Success rate? Time of year? Conditions?

Thank you!
I have been buying some JM from Mr Maple and I have been very well pleased. The list changes frequently and I check it a few times a week. I have talked to them on the phone, very friendly. I couldn't be more pleased. They are grafted trees but I knew this going in. I bought them for stock, but also just because I have always loved JMs.
Thanks for your kind response!

Can you share the name of that nursery that buys from Esveld? There are a number of cultivars I would love to special order from Esveld through them!

You've succeeded with cutting of Fagus crenata?!? :eek: I know guys that have been trying for +30 years... and I myself have not had any luck. Can you give any more detail on your experience? How many cuttings? Success rate? Time of year? Conditions?

Thank you!

I will reach out to see if they can order through Esveld and send a PM. I would think it would be easier for you to order directly from them as Canada import restrictions are not near as strict. Also, I believe they order the scions from Esveld and not the actual plants. They then graft. I think most maple nurseries at least get their mother plant or scion material for them or Buchholz in Oregon.

On the Beech, I struck 2 out of maybe 10 cuttings last year. I scored a very small amount of seed a couple of years ago and last year when cutting a couple back I tried for the hell of it. The fact they are so young may have made it easier but I read of people in Japan taking cuttings. Probably in an old International Bonsai or something. I did strike a couple more from root cuttings too so I imagine that is a better approach for Beech I probably only tried 3-4 and 2 of them took. I know that is what most do for persimmon and hawthorn. of course it is easier to clip branches then roots. I have struck an American Beech from the property behind my house that had very small leaves. I probably tried 20-30 and only got a couple. The setup is nothing outside of what I stated above. Guess I never mentioned I used Clonex but the setup and soil are the same.

I have rooted at least one cutting from tridents, hornbeams (korean and american), lots of azaleas, plums, ume, cherries, crabapples, lindens, beauty berries, firethorns, bald cypress, pears, dogwoods, korean maples, sugar maples, vine maples, itoigawas, and ezo spruce, and several other I am probably neglecting to recall. Only ones I have not figured out are zushio, JBP, hawthorn, and oaks. Haven't tried a persimmon but know the are 'impossible'. One day I will maybe setup some heat pads. Most items I just give away, neglect, or use for roots grafts but I may start a side hustle one day. More than anything I just like to see if I can do it. Scientific like that.
So @Canada Bonsai you mentioned that for a cutting to root age was a factor. Would you consider a grafted tree of 2 years as a 2 year plant as far as taking cuttings? Also an airlayer of a branch is that the same age as the tree itself? Just curious as what is considered young as far as taking cuttings. Thank you!
Also ordered @Esveld last week.(Arakawa/Seigen) did order there before and always quick delivery(Living in NL) Arakawa graft is very ugly. But that's something for the future.
Below are the ones I have and if I have been able to strike or layer. The only ones I am not confident can be done that I have tried are Shigitatsusawa and Bihou. The Bihou I have only tried smaller ones but they died above the layer point twice. Please note most of these cuttings and layers are in the last couple of years so I can't tell you if they are strong on their own roots yet. Not many issues thusfar. If you want a general set of rules I struggle with the larger leaf ones the most. I find the dwarfs are very easy. I don't have professional setup but do use a mister every 4 hours in the summer underneath a long bonsai table. Also, I don't take many cuttings, often times it will only be 5-10 at a time. Sometimes just one.

Akaji nishikiYY
Akita YatsubusaYY
Allen's GoldHave Not Tried
Amagi shigureHave Not Tried
Ao KanzashiYY
Baton RougueYY
Beni ChidoriHave Not Tried
Beni himeFailed Cuttings
Beni MaikoYY
Beni tsukasaYY
BihouFailed Cuttings and Layer
Caperci DwarfYY
Chiri himeHave Not Tried
Chiyo himeY
ChugujiHave Not Tried
Coonaria pygmyY
Coral MagicHave Not Tried
Coral PinkHave Not Tried
CorallinumYCuttings struck but died
Deshojo nishikiY
Dixie DelightYCuttings Failed
EiminiFailed Cuttings
Hime shojoPlant Died
Hino tori nishikiHave Not Tried
HogyukoFailed Cuttings
Hubble's SupercorkYY
Ibo juhiYY
Ibo NishikiY
IchigyoFailed Cuttings
Iso chidoriHave Not Tried
Issai NishikiYY
Johnnie's SeedlingYY
Karahawa roseY
Katsura himeYY
Ki hachijoHave Not Tried
Kiyo HimeYY
Ko chidoriY
Komanche himeY
Kureani jishiHave Not Tried
Kuro himeHave Not Tried
Lima goldY
Mikawa yatsubusaY
Murasaki kiyohimeYY
Mure hibariY
Nishiki GawaYY
Nishiki ShoYY
Nishiki yamatoYY
Odd ottoHave Not Tried
Olsen's frosted strawberryYHave Not Tried
Orange DreamYY
OsakazukiFailed Cuttings
Otome zakuraY
Peaches and CreamYY
Rhode Island RedY
Ruslyn in the pinkHave Not Tried
Ryoku ryuHave Not Tried
Sango kakuYY
Scarlet WonderYY
Seigen AureumYY
Seigen rubrumYY
Sekka yatsubusaHave Not Tried
Sharp's pygmyYY
ShigitatsusawaFailed Cuttings and Layer
Shin ChishioYY
Shishio himeHave Not Tried
Tsuma gakiY
Twombley's Red SentinelY
Ueno HomareYY
VersicolorHave Not Tried
Wilson's pink dwarfHave Not Tried
Yama himeHave Not Tried
Yuri HimeYY
Have you been able to try air layering on koto hime? If so have they resulted in failures?
Have you been able to try air layering on koto hime? If so have they resulted in failures?
have not tried. May try this year. One I have isn't that big yet so may be a year off. They root easy from cuttings so I am sure they would layer fine.
Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Crimson Queen' much to my surprise. I put in about 5 cuttings in late Aug and one rooted and now has a bud swelling.
I had a quick read of the two pages and I don't think 'Phoenix' was mentioned. It's widely available here, and is easy to air-layer or take cuttings from.

And many thanks @penumbra for the awesome list. 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
One of 4 Seigai (that was written on the label) imported from Japan (will try airlayer this year)


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One Butterscotch (Jww8) variety bought from Esveld just today.


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Also ordered @Esveld last week.(Arakawa/Seigen) did order there before and always quick delivery(Living in NL) Arakawa graft is very ugly. But that's something for the future.
You probably got the last one. Ive been calling them and even was there today and no more Arakawa..
Below are the ones I have and if I have been able to strike or layer. The only ones I am not confident can be done that I have tried are Shigitatsusawa and Bihou. The Bihou I have only tried smaller ones but they died above the layer point twice. Please note most of these cuttings and layers are in the last couple of years so I can't tell you if they are strong on their own roots yet. Not many issues thusfar. If you want a general set of rules I struggle with the larger leaf ones the most. I find the dwarfs are very easy. I don't have professional setup but do use a mister every 4 hours in the summer underneath a long bonsai table. Also, I don't take many cuttings, often times it will only be 5-10 at a time. Sometimes just one.

Akaji nishikiYY
Akita YatsubusaYY
Allen's GoldHave Not Tried
Amagi shigureHave Not Tried
Ao KanzashiYY
Baton RougueYY
Beni ChidoriHave Not Tried
Beni himeFailed Cuttings
Beni MaikoYY
Beni tsukasaYY
BihouFailed Cuttings and Layer
Caperci DwarfYY
Chiri himeHave Not Tried
Chiyo himeY
ChugujiHave Not Tried
Coonaria pygmyY
Coral MagicHave Not Tried
Coral PinkHave Not Tried
CorallinumYCuttings struck but died
Deshojo nishikiY
Dixie DelightYCuttings Failed
EiminiFailed Cuttings
Hime shojoPlant Died
Hino tori nishikiHave Not Tried
HogyukoFailed Cuttings
Hubble's SupercorkYY
Ibo juhiYY
Ibo NishikiY
IchigyoFailed Cuttings
Iso chidoriHave Not Tried
Issai NishikiYY
Johnnie's SeedlingYY
Karahawa roseY
Katsura himeYY
Ki hachijoHave Not Tried
Kiyo HimeYY
Ko chidoriY
Komanche himeY
Kureani jishiHave Not Tried
Kuro himeHave Not Tried
Lima goldY
Mikawa yatsubusaY
Murasaki kiyohimeYY
Mure hibariY
Nishiki GawaYY
Nishiki ShoYY
Nishiki yamatoYY
Odd ottoHave Not Tried
Olsen's frosted strawberryYHave Not Tried
Orange DreamYY
OsakazukiFailed Cuttings
Otome zakuraY
Peaches and CreamYY
Rhode Island RedY
Ruslyn in the pinkHave Not Tried
Ryoku ryuHave Not Tried
Sango kakuYY
Scarlet WonderYY
Seigen AureumYY
Seigen rubrumYY
Sekka yatsubusaHave Not Tried
Sharp's pygmyYY
ShigitatsusawaFailed Cuttings and Layer
Shin ChishioYY
Shishio himeHave Not Tried
Tsuma gakiY
Twombley's Red SentinelY
Ueno HomareYY
VersicolorHave Not Tried
Wilson's pink dwarfHave Not Tried
Yama himeHave Not Tried
Yuri HimeYY
@Ohmy222 Was looking to try and airlayer a ibo nishiki thi year. Did you have one fail on you or have you not tried
The original plant I had died before I ever tried one. I struck a few cuttings beforehand. I haven’t had many issues with the rough bark maples so you are probably fine. They are known to be vigorous trees so surprising I lost one. Best of luck!
Here are some results for my experiments this summer. Many of these are not good for bonsai of course...

Used a propogation chamber with CloneX solution. Zone 8 in shade using softwood cuttings. Between 2 and 6 leaves.

These are almost all small samples sizes. Between 5 - 10 cuttings except where noted. Timing listed is to first visible roots, usually an inch long or so.

FamilyCultivarDifficultyWeeks to first rootsComments
Hedge MapleCarnivalVery Hard10+Cuttings tend to lose leaves before roots form. < 15% success rate
Japanese MapleAka Shigitatsu SawaInfeasible-All cuttings died before roots formed
Japanese MapleAnne IreneEasy3 One of the easiest
Japanese MapleArakawaEasy6Sample size of only 1
Japanese Maple Beni MaikoEasy3
Japanese MapleBeni TsukasaEasy4-5
Japanese MapleCelebrationEasy3Sample size of only 1, but rooted very quickly
Japanese MapleCoonara PygmyModerate8-14Most eventually rooted, but slooow
Japanese MapleCorvallis BroomEasy7-8Takes a long time but consistent after that
Japanese MapleFirst FlameModerate3-8
Japanese MapleFjellheimHard7-8< 50% success rate
Japanese MapleFrosted PurpleModerate4-6
Japanese MapleGhost DancerModerate5-10
Japanese MapleHappy CorallinumModerate3-6
Japanese MapleJohnnies PinkEasy3-6 One of the easiest
Japanese MapleMikazukiHard5 < 50% success rate
Japanese MapleOrange DreamEasy3-6
Japanese MapleOridono NishikiEasy3-6
Japanese MaplePeve MulticolorHard9< 25% after 9 weeks
Japanese MapleSaihoEasy4-8
Japanese MapleSawa ChidoriModerate4-14 Around 50% success rate, but some took a looong time
Japanese MapleSegaiEasy3
Japanese MapleStrawberry SpringHard12-14< 50% success rate after 14 weeks
Japanese MapleSummer GoldEasy3-5
Japanese MapleTobioshoEasy3-5
Japanese MapleUkigumoModerate8
Japanese MapleUsu MidoriInfeasible-All cuttings died quickly
Japanese MapleWhite PeachesModerate3-5
Painted MapleNaguri NishikiHard4Leaves tend to drop before roots. < 25% success rate
Red MapleVanityEasy2 Probably the easiest to root in this list
Shantung MapleFlower GodEasy4
Trident MapleGolden TridentHard6-10Forms a large callous without roots. < 25% success rate
Trident MapleMiyasama YatsubusaEasy5-12High success rate with large callous. Just took a long time for some cuttings
Vine MapleLittle GemHard8-13Tends to form large callous without roots. < 25% success rate

As an aside, it's amazing how long cuttings can last without roots when kept under humid/moist conditions. In some cases still hanging on after 4 months.
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