Is this the correct line of action


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
The gifted cascade juniper from a friend's late brother in law who was a hobbiest. Needs repotted and thinned. Thinking of just going down the main branch removing the T branches...going down alternating the branch removal. Is this the right mind set? Not sure about tossing wire on it...I see no vision with it at this time other than letting it grow and offer horticulture needs. But maybe once thinned I will. But plan on doing this thinning prior to repotting.

juniper cascade late bonsai guys.jpg
I like it.....


Thanks...assuming since T branches are frowned upon. That would be the sort of action one does to thin such a tree. Not being fond of the procumben...I must say I've not overly cared to learn much about them. that it's in my care...I best change that mind set.
Think out. Select main and secondary branches. Wire out. Keep in mind the distance you need for developing the pad.
If you're growing it as a pre-bonsai, you've got to identify the trunk line and branches. The only way to do that is to get in there with some shears and get to work.
Thanks Dave...I was afraid there was more to it than my line of thought. there is one main cascade branch. Then one coming off that near the base in the proper direction. That's as far as I've looked. So...Possibly wanting to take more than alternating branches off...Will have to look at the thing then a bit closer.
Think out. Select main and secondary branches. Wire out. Keep in mind the distance you need for developing the pad.
The distance for developing the pads...that makes sense. The main branch isn't difficult. One main one...secondary branches...will have to be decided. Thanks!
Thanks Dave...I was afraid there was more to it than my line of thought. there is one main cascade branch. Then one coming off that near the base in the proper direction. That's as far as I've looked. So...Possibly wanting to take more than alternating branches off...Will have to look at the thing then a bit closer.
Start by removing a few branches, then re-evaluate. You can always cut more off later.
Start by removing a few branches, then re-evaluate. You can always cut more off later.
Thanks Dave...Will do that. Do you suggest thinning at the base and working out to the end? Honestly... cascade conifers are not my comfort zone...though, I do admire them. Juniper cascades are so overly done...that I've not had much heart for this one. No fault of the tree. Just wish to not rush it...and regret removed branches. needs thinned badly.
Start at the trunk and move out, identifying your first, second and third branch, etc.. If you're not sure, leave it for now and move on.
Start at the trunk and move out, identifying your first, second and third branch, etc.. If you're not sure, leave it for now and move on.

Thanks Dave...appreciate the guidance.
Id cut everything growing off the bottom of the cascade branch first.
See what that leaves you....

Maybe get a better look in....
All/most that has to go anyway!

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