
I firmly feel there's an argument to be made that Tecumseh was almost single handedly responsible for the, "Indian Wars." In sorta the same way Bin Laden is responsible for half the unrest in the Middle East.
Brilliant and remarkable man, no question, though.
His great vision to unit the tribes . And force the white man to give them a piece of North America . Makes him the natives only leader with real vision of the future . His rear guard action as the British retreated in south Ontario . Resulting in his death also resulted in the land remaining in Canada yet he is more revered in the USA than Canada. Yes a remarkable man
His great vision to unit the tribes
I guess this bit is the source of my thoughts.

Unite? Yes. Potentially workable
Piece? Peace? Not so much.
He launched several attacks on civilian settlements in the US, slaughtering men women and children, while simultaneously there were (relative to modern understanding) nameless indigenous leaders trying to evolve their culture with the Euro culture to be one, in peace.

If you believe in such things, Geronimo might arguably be the reincarnation of Tecumseh. Brilliant, a bit mad, certainly extreme, and undeniably admirable.
I guess this bit is the source of my thoughts.

Unite? Yes. Potentially workable
Piece? Peace? Not so much.
He launched several attacks on civilian settlements in the US, slaughtering men women and children, while simultaneously there were (relative to modern understanding) nameless indigenous leaders trying to evolve their culture with the Euro culture to be one, in peace.

If you believe in such things, Geronimo might arguably be the reincarnation of Tecumseh. Brilliant, a bit mad, certainly extreme, and undeniably admirable.
I’m really not trying to defend him . His idea was not to live in the Europeans culture . But to fight for the rights to a piece of North America for the indigenous people to rule themselves . Basically what is know Michigan and Wisconsin mostly . He was promised this by the British . And yes he attacked and slaughtered people so did everyone else . He was destined to fail I think all can agree . The bargain would never have been honoured .
The bargain would never have been honoured .
I think at that time there was a chance, but the way things turned out with him set a precedent that would last another century.

All of that said, I wonder if you're familiar with the Lakota sovereignty movement (if, "movement," is the right word). The Lakota Sioux have been pushing more and more to renew US recognition of the Fort Laramie treaty of 1874 (if I recall correctly). According to the original treaty the Lakota reservations were a sovereign nation state occupying what's now North and South Dakota as well as most of Nebraska and a large portion of Wyoming, USA. The discovery of gold in the Black Hills of course prompted an amendment to the treaty, and it all went downhill from there.
If you recall the protests against the Keystone oil pipeline on the Standing Rock reservation in 2016, this was what actually started that, hippies be damned. It wasn't an environmental thing at all. It was the US federal government once again violating their treaty.
Not sure we should get into the politics to heavy . Situation is somewhat different here . There was a lot less treaties between the aboriginal people and Canada or the British . So they have not been broken . But in modern times the aboriginal people have made all kinds of claims and taken actions . Some are fair some are out right criminal some are greed by there leaders and don’t have the interest of the people . It’s a big mess same as the USA just a different mess Personally I agree we treated them very badly . But there leadership lacks the best interests of there own people . In the 21 century . Unfortunately it’s the people that will continue to suffer
Not sure we should get into the politics to heavy . Situation is somewhat different here . There was a lot less treaties between the aboriginal people and Canada or the British . So they have not been broken . But in modern times the aboriginal people have made all kinds of claims and taken actions . Some are fair some are out right criminal some are greed by there leaders and don’t have the interest of the people . It’s a big mess same as the USA just a different mess Personally I agree we treated them very badly . But there leadership lacks the best interests of there own people . In the 21 century . Unfortunately it’s the people that will continue to suffer
Yep. We should limit our study to Plantae kingdom before getting admonished by admin.
PS: Don’t get me wrong. I actually enjoyed the discussion.
Yep. We should limit our study to Plantae kingdom before getting admonished by admin.
PS: Don’t get me wrong. I actually enjoyed the discussion.
I am Mod HERE.

Nothing too nasty yet..

Discussion/Debate is AS important as Civility.

(and I AM Part Native to this Continent AND part Colonial... so I'm also enjoying it. ;) )

((We just have to remember that THIS thread "chimes" in the "What's New" list... so as long as YA'LL are ok with that, I'm "good"))
Well native and trees . How about add food . My other hobby is fishing . Years ago a coworker inherited a 150 year old hand written Algonquin cook book from his grandmother all the recipes involved only ingredients avail locally in the woods . Most involved smoked fish and meat . He was a avid hunter and had several smokers . 2 that stood out were So called North Indian candy. Take rectangle piece of trout at least 1/2 to 3/4 inch square and then long normally lake trout or brook trout which grow big in northern lakes roll the fish in maple syrup then rock salt then smoke it 2 fillet of walleye marinated in choke cherry juice then smoke it or bbq it serve with maple syrup dipping Sauce Or hunny 😎😎
Guess I'll have to wing it then.
The candy is easy . I forgot the walleye and choke cherry has wild garlic in it has multiple uses it’s basically a marinate recipe. Do what you want after that Wild garlic in Canada is really a Quebec thing there is new laws to protect it illegal to take out of Quebec idiots over harvest it . garlic bulbs in the fall just strong garlic . Traditional it’s dug up in the spring so you have a shoot more like a green onion then it’s packed in jars with vinegar Small country stores or road side stands it’s slightly sweet onion with slight garlic flavour yum yum
Alrighty we are talking food. Here's my go by recipe for quick and dirty dish. It's a simple dish but I won a cooking contest with it a few years back.

Blackened fish with shrimp/crawfish/crab garlic cream topping.

3 lbs of fish fillets (salmon, trout, redfish, tuna, tilapia (meh), catfish (meh))
1/2 cup diced sweet onion
1 shallots
4 cloves of garlic crushed and diced
1/2 cup diced red/organce bell pepper
1/2 lb of shrimp/crabmeat/bay scallops
3 tbsp butter (more if you wish)
1/2 cup heavy cream
3 tbsp cream cheese
Tony Charcherey's or blacken fish seasoning
1/2 small lemon

Making the cream sauce:
Put some butter in the pan on high heat and sautee the onion/shallot, and garlic briefly then drop in the shrimp/scallop.
Season the shrimp/scallop lightly because we want the sauce to have natural sweetness. The saltiness should come from the blackened fish.
Cook the shrimp/scallop for 2 minutes then drop in the bell pepper and cook for 2 more minutes. Then lower the heat to low and put in the
heavy cream/cream cheese (and crabmeat if you use crabmeat). Let simmer for 8-10 minutes while the fish is being blackened. When the sauce is ready
it should be relatively thick and make large bubbles when boiled. If it's not thick enough, add a bit more cream cheese.

Blackening the fish
Pat dry fish fillets and coat them with Tony Charcherey's or seasoning to taste.
With a pan (cast iron preferred) on high heat, put butter in pan on and wait until pan is really hot and just begin to smoke the put in fish fillets.
Cook fish a few minutes on each side. The time depends on the thickness of the fillet. When the fish is cooked halfway through,
turn it over and finish cooking on the other side. Squeeze a few drop of lemon on the cooked side.

Plate the fish and immediately top it with the hot cream sauce. Garnish to your liking and serve immediately.
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Sorry no I asked back then he was pretty protective not wanting copies made . And I have not seen him in 17 years . No idea where he even lives now
This is crazy.. considering so many of cultures like these's traditions are fading into non-remembrance...

MOST Native Americans CAN'T speak their tribes language.
This is crazy.. considering so many of cultures like these's traditions are fading into non-remembrance...

MOST Native Americans CAN'T speak their tribes language.
Well my Vietnamese children can speak our language but just barely. My grand children will have a tougher time. That is why I decided that I will live with them after I retire.
Well my Vietnamese children can speak our language but just barely. My grand children will have a tougher time. That is why I decided that I will live with them after I retire.

So you speak Vietnamese, too?
I’m really not trying to defend him . His idea was not to live in the Europeans culture . But to fight for the rights to a piece of North America for the indigenous people to rule themselves . Basically what is know Michigan and Wisconsin mostly . He was promised this by the British . And yes he attacked and slaughtered people so did everyone else . He was destined to fail I think all can agree . The bargain would never have been honoured .

Sounds like a "Bundled-Up" Selasi!

Bab'lon make me hart baddah!
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