
Are we talking about the "Visitors from beyond"/"-themed V?
Nope. ''V" as in Victory, a post apocalyptic dystopia where a freedom loving radical wearing a Guy Fawkes mask inspires the masses to bring down the dictator with "Remember, remember the 5 of November". Which is the beginning of a British children's poem about the 5 Nov 1605 "Gunpowder Rebellion" when a Catholic rebellion tried to blow up the Parliment Building. Except in this version, they succeed. Big Ben getting blown up to 1812 Overture is part of the finale. Fun movie, it's on Netflix, or on DVD at your library, safe for younger audience without being insipid for adults. Only historical fact in the movie is the reference to the 1605 rebellion, the rest is fiction. Fun movie,
Nope. ''V" as in Victory, a post apocalyptic dystopia where a freedom loving radical wearing a Guy Fawkes mask inspires the masses to bring down the dictator with "Remember, remember the 5 of November". Which is the beginning of a British children's poem about the 5 Nov 1605 "Gunpowder Rebellion" when a Catholic rebellion tried to blow up the Parliment Building. Except in this version, they succeed. Big Ben getting blown up to 1812 Overture is part of the finale. Fun movie, it's on Netflix, or on DVD at your library, safe for younger audience without being insipid for adults. Only historical fact in the movie is the reference to the 1605 rebellion, the rest is fiction. Fun movie,
I love that MOVIE!!! (I guessed the more esoteric one 🤦🏽‍♂️)

On a weird, only semi-related note... Have you seen the newER 'Total Recall"?.... How do you feel about it.
So went for a early spring hike / wild tree scouting trip no trees but found this Pics are a bit deceiving . The leading edge in second pic is o my 1/2 inch at most thick less at the notch below the coke can . It thickens up dark embedded rock part above the can is about 2.5 inches actually seems lighter than I expected . Enron after carrying it a mile . Fairly confident the red toned stuff is granite . . I use crushed granite in my soil that looks identical . Had some natural concave to it . My first thought is if I remove some material from back thick area . And the top it will sit thin edge and forward edge away from my feet up . With a tree planted towards the back and to my feet . What do you guys think . Was the best part of yesterday . The storm that hit western Canada struck at my place was just high winds . But there is trees and branches down and a major chunk of eastern Ontario including my town have no power . Glad I put all my trees on the ground before I went on hike


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Suh-Weet Slab!

I love rock-hunting.... it's the "heaviest" of foraging/collecting trips! 😂😂

I enjoy suiseki... and now that I am learning 'Hon non bo' in depth... I expect my rock collecting expeditions will increase.

Never planted on a slab . Thinking build a wall using cement or most likely fibreglass . Pic is the granite I use in soil . So maybe dust the fines I sift out into the glass when tacky . Drill drainage holes and I have a pot . I know muck wall is the traditional way but I have heard horror stories about tough to get right and roots growing into it . The fact the granit will do closely b match the slab will look great


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Never planted on a slab . Thinking build a wall using cement or most likely fibreglass . Pic is the granite I use in soil . So maybe dust the fines I sift out into the glass when tacky . Drill drainage holes and I have a pot . I know muck wall is the traditional way but I have heard horror stories about tough to get right and roots growing into it . The fact the granit will do closely b match the slab will look great
First, BEFORE drilling, just to lessen any non-necessary risk, I'd personally set the slab flat (like it will be sitting), and water it. Getting a feel for how the water will run off it naturally, would then tell me if It (drilling DRAINAGE) was warranted.

Normally, I'd assume that by the time I drilled those smaller, less-risky WIRE holes, drainage would be adequate.

But this is just MY theory.

I did Woodash/clay "walls" and torched them with a flamethrower.


First, BEFORE drilling, just to lessen any non-necessary risk, I'd personally set the slab flat (like it will be sitting), and water it. Getting a feel for how the water will run off it naturally, would then tell me if It (drilling DRAINAGE) was warranted.

Normally, I'd assume that by the time I drilled those smaller, less-risky WIRE holes, drainage would be adequate.

But this is just MY theory.

Ya need to be carefull have bad memories found a nice slab it was shale I think broke into 3 pieces drilling holes Lesson don’t use hammer drill 😡 high speed grinder slower but safer for wires seen a cool idea you epoxy rings to stone cut small slit with grinder blade insert ring in epoxy
Well you don’t have to be Canadian anyone that lives or grew up in the north understands hockey . Guy Lafleur ( the flower ) dead today at 70 most consider him in the top 5 to ever play the game 5 cups 2 mvp s considered the most accurate. Wrist shot ever Also a fellow speed freak and snowmobile guy . I have a soft spot for in his home town Thurso Quebec he had a snowmobile drag strip built . I won my first major race my first national championship and broke my first world record there . Women are crying all over Canada today famous for his pre helmet days long flowing hair and charm Of all the great players that played for Montreal canadiens in 24 cup wins . There is only 3 bronze statue in front of there stadium one of them is the flower
Is it ok if I join in for a few of these species studies? Kinda in the middle between cold and tropical here in the middle of the country.
Is it ok if I join in for a few of these species studies? Kinda in the middle between cold and tropical here in the middle of the country.
Heck YEAH!!

Cjr's all over these, too... It'll just be cold-folk HEAVY round these parts.

Absolutely join in! Participate in the studies!!!!

Start some species YOU'd like to discuss that AREN'T, if you'd like as well!

Heck YEAH!!

Cjr's all over these, too... It'll just be cold-folk HEAVY round these parts.

Absolutely join in! Participate in the studies!!!!

Start some species YOU'd like to discuss that AREN'T, if you'd like as well!

Cool - I don't want to start too many threads that are just me and some crickets, I'd rather have some back and forth - so if anybody has any of the following, let me know:
Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)
American Plum
Hop Hornbeam
American Hornbeam
Malus ioensis (native crabapple)
Lodgepole (aka Shore) pine
Amelanchier arborea
Gray Dogwood (cornus racemosa)
Morus rubra
Ozark Witch Hazel (Hamamelis vernalis)
Cool - I don't want to start too many threads that are just me and some crickets, I'd rather have some back and forth - so if anybody has any of the following, let me know:
Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)
American Plum
Hop Hornbeam
American Hornbeam
Malus ioensis (native crabapple)
Lodgepole (aka Shore) pine
Amelanchier arborea
Gray Dogwood (cornus racemosa)
Morus rubra
Ozark Witch Hazel (Hamamelis vernalis)
Hmmm I'm growing a mexican plum (real stupid.. I know)... that's CENTRAL American Plum.. Hahaha!
I’ll hop on this thread as well if that’s ok. I’m in the western mountains of Maine so I think that qualifies as coldish.
Cool - I don't want to start too many threads that are just me and some crickets, I'd rather have some back and forth - so if anybody has any of the following, let me know:
Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)
American Plum
Hop Hornbeam
American Hornbeam
Malus ioensis (native crabapple)
Lodgepole (aka Shore) pine
Amelanchier arborea
Gray Dogwood (cornus racemosa)
Morus rubra
Ozark Witch Hazel (Hamamelis vernalis)
I’m going to re attack hop hornbeam there in the woods at my cottage . Had a fairly nice one 1 st round of bonsai rock face tree broken top stump with one big branch was a semi cascade . Fun trees old looking bark on young trees abs leaves get bigger as you go down a branch so you prune back to the small ones . Clip and grow hard as hell to bend they don’t call it iron wood for nothing 😂😂. See my thread on Canada plum prunes nigra after long search I found one can’t collect going to try cuttings or seeds . Closely related to American plum but fairly rare hard to find pure will cross breed when pure has black bark very cold hardy zone 3 very happy I found one most nursery stuff not pure mostly American which is nice going to grow some but Canada is a prize flowers are more showy striking with the bark Red in the flowers tinge of pink and black bark Will come true from seed if you find a isolated tree with no other plums around as I have down side is hard to propagate


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