If you were 37 ...

Do what I do. Buy a lots of seedlings from Matt O and plant them in pots. I did that 12 or 13 years ago. Now I have many tridents, black pines to work on. Now at 42 I still have family to tend to so no serious bonsai for another 5 years. Here are some examples of my trees. Will post pics later
Shoot... this was 6 years ago. I still have plenty of trees but still have very limited time to focus on this.
I grew more than one JBP from seed… got a decent result in 6 years or so from a couple, and I started in my 40s so you’ll be fine. They looked like this…
Anybody who says growing bonsai from seed is a waste of time perplexes me. I could spend a decade fixing the issues that come with getting 10 year old old stock or I could grow my own in less time than that. I guess choose your own path and be happy with it. More than 75% of my trees are from seed or seedlings (under 1 year old) when they started. It might not be the way forward for you, but it is definitely a way forward if you want to go down that path!
I realise it’s an old thread… just sayin’!
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