wholesalers here are run a bit like cash n carry, meaning you just walk in, pick up a large trolley and add to the trolley as you please. all the info you need is usually tagged on the tree, price, species, container size etc. so you just pick up what you could fit on a trolley. for the bigger stuff you'd need to come back to front desk for assistance and they'd arrange and come back to your request with a fork lift of some sort.
im guessing the bloke that was ordering a large amount of big money trees, would of done just this.
most of the time when im roaming the nurseries i dont see any workers, the ones i see are usually busy lifting something out a ditch, unloading a new supply of trees. burning dead or unsaleable stock, tending to customers purchasing at the main desk etc etc
i noticed this on some of the mirai nursery streams too, on touring the nursery i didnt really see any workers present. Ryan just buzzed around picking and choosing as he saw fit.
its certainly nothing like buying in a clothes store and having a shop assistant come up and ask if they can help.
traffic also varies at specific times of the day and week.