I think I'm killing it.

Stephen Badger

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I'm new to bonsai...always wanted one, grabbed a beautiful Chinese juniper in New York on my anniversary.

I keep it in my office, ideally, I'd like it to stay there...

I've read that keeping indoor is tough...but perhaps its doable.

My office has a window wall...I use cardboard to shade out the afternoon light on it.

It has its own personal humidifier running for 15 minutes 4 times a day.

I keep it on a humidity tray as well.

I've been watering it daily as it appeared to be dry enough to water...I think I've been screwing that up. Maybe this is just over watering.

Though all the needles on top are green, some of the bases of those stems are browning...

Is it dying? Is this a lost cause?

Let me know and thanks!
Whose turn is it this time?
I guess I'll do it.
Your tree is indoors which is not where trees live look up dormancy of plants. Only type of plants that can live inside are tropicals and I said live not thrive so if you chose the tropical route it's recommended to put it outside in the warm months. Unfortunately for your juniper it's most likely dead or going to die because it can not go dormant indoors so with a "forever" growing season if you will the tree will grow until it literally goes dormant on its own no matter what time of year it is which generally is fatal. I hate to be the bearer of bad news for your tree but don't lose interest, bonsai is an amazing art and I believe any and every person in the world can benefit form learning.
Oh and welcome to the nut house.

I figured as much...Anyone in Maryland want a bonsai tree that may or may not be dead yet?

Truth is...I have no space for it outside and it will definately be neglected outside...I felt that inside I could tend to it...but if it's gonna die period, perhaps it should just get adopted...
I have posted this before but it applies -



Welcome to Crazy...

Check out the bonsai Wire Sculptures....

The office people will adore it....cuz they are beautiful.....and clean!

If you take up this Bonsai thing at home....
Or hell...outside at work......you found the right place!

Really, I was hoping to make my office a better place... I'm just hosed now because I joked with my girlfriend that when it died, so would our relationship...bad scene...
I figured as much...Anyone in Maryland want a bonsai tree that may or may not be dead yet?

Truth is...I have no space for it outside and it will definately be neglected outside...I felt that inside I could tend to it...but if it's gonna die period, perhaps it should just get adopted...
I understand completely wanting it to be indoors, I was the same when I started and believe me I've killedand still do kill trees, it's all part of learning. You seem very interested in the hobby and beauty of bonsai. Tropicals sound like your kind of thing and given the right conditions can do pretty good indoors year round, don't lose interest my friend.

Really, I was hoping to make my office a better place... I'm just hosed now because I joked with my girlfriend that when it died, so would our relationship...bad scene...
Just buy a new one and put it outside :)
I agree with the others in that it will eventually die if kept indoors but that juniper looks pretty healthy to me. The foliage on the outside looks green and healthy. I foliage on the inside will die from lack of sun light and is normal. That my two cents.
Also the kind of care your giving the juniper is almost perfect for say, a ficus.
The ouside foliage is absolutely health looking....I was really stubborn about trying to keep it alive inside...but I don't think its all that possible.

Had it since 9/13/15...lived thus far under the conditions described...

I recently moved it from with window wall to a book case across my office hoping that'd suffice for "dormancy" conditions.

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The ouside foliage is absolutely health looking....I was really stubborn about trying to keep it alive inside...but I don't think its all that possible.

Had it since 9/13/15...lived thus far under the conditions described...

I recently moved it from with window wall to a book case across my office hoping that'd suffice for "dormancy" conditions.

View attachment 89800 View attachment 89802 it's
It doesn't have to freeze to go dormant just try to keep it under 40°f if its warmer it'll struggle. It's possible you may be able to keep it alive till spring when you can move it ouside, and acclimate it to outdoors. Last winter I bought a shimpaku juniper that was kept in a tropical greenhouse so the only thing I could do was put it in my tropical greenhouse, in spring moved it out and its been there since and it acclimated just fine.
If you like the way it looks, and it dies, just buy a new one. It should be easy to find one that looks similar. Just look around online, you may be able to find an office plant supply company that may be able to provide new ones for less than some of the pseudo-bonsai dealers.
.bad scene

If you can't get it outside......
Which.....depending on location.....it's Probly too cold for now...

Keep it in the light.....don't shade the afternoon light.

If you try to make it go dormant inside ....it will die..

It's not supposed to live inside.....but if you keep it lit and growing this winter you have SOME chance.....

I took a juniper cutting, rooted it inside...and it has stayed there .....alive....for a year now.....and it only gets very little light.

It only grew like 8 needles......but it's alive!

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