I Quit

I built one 50 ft shrimp trawler in my life. That satisfied my boat building itch for the most part. I once thought of building a 45 ft cabin cruiser but had good sense knocked in to me by my lovely.
This quelled my itch. Just reminiscing. I keep wondering who is that young guy steering. 😂
Catboat web.jpeg
If you’re not enjoying it or it’s not paying your bills then why do it? Life is short act accordingly because nothing is worth it unless you think it’s worth it.
You build this boat yourself? If you did big kudos to You! The guy looks like Ashton Kutcher in his youth, Demi is probably in the cabin.
I was the bush hippie boatbuilder/sailmaker. 😎😎
I only have hobbies long-term that challenge me. Hence why I have a reef tank and bonsai. Two bottomless pits for my bank account. Lol.
Yeah, I had a reef tank for a decade. Only SPS/LPS and inverts to keep the nutrients down by the end. Ran out of room and had to break it down, plus my wife is a little more accepting of plants in the office and not brittle stars and shrimp.
It may sound antiquated but "everyone is different".

For me, I've started numerous new hobbies, usually buying into them deeply, doing them for awhile, than loosing interest soon after. It got to the point that my wife became to see this as a mental health illness! and when I started Bonsai, she thought "oh, here we go again". However, three years later, and she now agrees that I have finally found my thing The other things that I had pursued, just did not fit my personality. I'm someone who is a tad obsessive, a perfectionist, a busy body and deeply determined. Bonsai has fit my personality perfectly. It also is helping me with the some of the negative attributes of my personality, mainly impatience.

I'm happy the OP had the self realization that Bonsai did not fit his personality, and did not just try to push through the feeling, remaining listless. I'm sure he didn't make such a decision hastily, or lightly. There are definitely times in hobbies that one has to push through down times, but this should be exceptional, not the norm.
I wanted to comment while reading the 1st 2 pages, then skipped to the 5th and the post got hijacked and now we’re on about boats

As with any hobby there will be that famous quote “the joys of (insert hobby) at some point the shit will hit the fan, I had extension events with my trees,
and for the boat guys, I went on a boat with my boss one day and the motor burned out and we were literally stuck without a paddle

All things in life come with a certain selection of pros and cons, it’s up to you to decide which cons you’re willing to face in order to enjoy the pros that come with it. I was still a teenager when this epiphany hit me
I'm happy the OP had the self realization that Bonsai did not fit his personality, and did not just try to push through the feeling, remaining listless. I'm sure he didn't make such a decision hastily, or lightly
Yeah I came to the realization that I'd reached the end after the last growing season where I did very little bonsai stuff. I just wasn't feeling it anymore. It had just become a chore and a burden that was weighing me down. I also realized that styling trees is the best part of Bonsai, but when that's done, it's kinda boring.
Is it just me or is it strange people are posting about not liking bonsai on a bonsai forum? If I was to quit I would never come to this site again. If you like styling trees then style trees. You realize there are thousands of tree types that get styled at different times of year right? So you can always style trees if you just like that. So strange to go to Mecca and complain about how Islam is boring. Just do something else then, what is the point of coming here to agree with everyone who doesn’t know this hobby exists.
Why? Your last post isn’t exactly motivating anyone to read anything you say because if I was bored with bonsai I would not be on bonsai forums. If you can’t take the time to explain yourself clearly why would I read your previous posts. I’m easily bored and realize if I am bored with something that is purely my emotion and has nothing to do with anything but me. Their are countless forums about every topic imaginable, and maybe some you find not to be boring perhaps give those a shot.
Why? Your last post isn’t exactly motivating anyone to read anything you say
You wanted to know why I posted that I was quitting bonsai:
....what is the point of coming here to agree with everyone who doesn’t know this hobby exists.
I answered your question in my previous posts
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I wanted to know why you are still on this site like right now as you are reading these words. Life is short maybe you should give boat building a try or just go on boat building forums and start super interesting conversations on how you don’t like boats anymore.
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