Vance Wood
Lord Mugo
Hey, no need to apologize. I have been keeping Bonsai since a child, I have never taken any classes, or learned from any masters nor even joined a club. I own one old soft cover book about Bonsai from Sunset publishing. I have never shown a Bonsai in a competition and I admittedly am nowhere near up to date on new techniques or innovations related to Bonsai. Until I found this site last fall I had no reference to Bonsai technique or what is new and to be honest I never dreamed there were so many accomplished artists in America or on the web. What I am saying is that compared to people such as yourself and many other learned and accomplished Bonsai artists who frequent this site I could be described as a long time Bonsai novice.
One question about the comment you made on removing the top and creating an apex, I plan on opening up the top as I wanted a windswept appearance on this tree, I do not like the crackerbox, or common look of seperate foliage pads. This tree has some strong branches growing horizontally from left to right looking at the side I planned as the front. I hate to cut this main branch yet, although I have tossed the idea around for the last two years of doing just that and jinning the branch. You said to plant it at a more acute angle, did you mean leaning more or straighter up, I wanted it leaning a tad more anyway is why I ask, I have been waiting for the roots to develop before moving it as when I lean it more I will have more roots above ground which will hopefully be able to survive.
I will post a picture under the canopy if you or anyone else had any suggections they are greatly appreciated.
You do not need to have "crackerbox seperate foliage pads" as you put it, but IMHO a bonsai does not start to look like someting until it is opened up enough so that the branch structure plays a role in the design. How you get there depends on your artistic sense. As it is now it simply looks like a tree from a big box store that has been sitting on your bench for a couple of years. I know I risk making you angry with that comment and that was not my intent but it is none-the-less true in my opinion.