How would you price this BC forest bonsai?

I'm not sure there's much point talking about a value "after root and branch development". Depends on who does what kind of job on development. For all you know, all branches will need to be removed and started over from scratch. From what I'm seeing I might pay $100 per trunk on average. If there is buttressing and taper hidden under the soil, maybe more.
I was willing to plop down what I thought was sizeable amount for a swamp collected BC with fluting and about 4" thick above the fluting. Personally, paying $100 per trunk for one of these BCs would probably be a no-brainer for me (no BC growing anywhere near me). My local bonsai shop has dawn redwood forest plantings that are thinner than your BC and set up similarly. If 1 DR costs $60, a forest with 5 would maybe go for $250 - so you actually pay a little less per trunk in this type of planting. If I were buying your forest that's kind of how I would look at it.

I've tried practicing forest plantings with P. Afra and have not produced anything worth even a photo (and I do like to share my photos). So again just me, I would be willing to pay a premium (more per trunk) for a BC forest planting that I could not set up myself at this point. I'm clueless, but maybe adding some smaller trees and a little reshuffling of the larger ones and these could easily get $1,000.
I am not trying to sell it for a thousand or anything like that. Remember the question was for the value after root and branch development. I have no plan to sell any of my forests. I was just looking at some bonsai websites sticking 5-7 one-year old seedlings into a cheap bonsai pot and sell it for $300-$400 and wonder how I would value my forest since they start out with much much better material.
This 5 tree Dawn Redwood forest is being sold for $335. In my eyes I don't see any artistic value on placement nor do I see much in values of the trees themselves.
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Trees in a line...does not evoke a forest. My eyes wouldn't even rest on this image to glance on pricing. Anyone can toss a price tag on something. Doesn't mean it will sell.

Not even comparing...but this little elm forest kit I bought from one selling over on Bonsai Sales...has more value...and cost way less. place young, thinner trees at the back for a better visual. I separated the elm into sizes prior to assembly.

Now...this is the first forest I've ever done. I imagine...ones could pick it apart as well. For faults... but...end of the day. I'm satisfied. Judy says...should evoke a feeling. With consideration to placement.

Edit: A bald cypress forest...of any sort. Would be for a very narrow group of individuals. One huge a lot to tackle.
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It is good you are getting an idea on prices in case of moving to PA. You will need to sell online to get the best prices, if you take the largest out and wrap in plastic photo the roots and butt wound, price at 200 minimum, and the smallest at 50 minimum, you will get the best idea.
Guess you will have to get in the mood of letting things go.
Now is the best time to sell, (and buy) summer is too late to ship things as they can get stressed.
With this line of thinking I have blessing in abundance then :) . I am in this to spread joy and not to make any money. So far I am operating the same way @Mellow Mullet does. If I trade or sell anything, I make sure the other party gets the better end of the bargain since I already receive joy from my end.

May you have all the blessings!

You're the type of person, a person like me, would give an extra $100 to just for that line of thinking.

May your resources be overflowing, like the tub under the pot!

Today I was over changed $5, so I went back in the gas station and returned it.
I'll be sure to let the thread know when that $5 comes back tenfold.

Today I was over changed $5, so I went back in the gas station and returned it.
I have done the same whenever it happened. I have the world's most guilty conscience and could never keep something when I knew I didn't deserve it.
I would price it at around $250-$300 at club auctions a whole, more if selling individually.
I can get trees that size from Lowes or HD in season for as little as $20 each grown at a nursery in Tenn. I know because I have a 5 tree BC forest in development put together that way. Now they may not have buttressing but right now the pot they’re in is worth more than the entire grouping. Maybe in 5-10 years once you get the crowns developed and expose the buttresses you say are hidden under the soil and get some branch development, etc. then you may have something worth more than $1000. Good luck with them.
9 BCs. The big one has 4” base. Right now they are in a 20”x28” cement tub. How much is it worth a year from now when all the roots settle together?
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I think people would pay more than you think. The seasoned veterans of this site may not bite, but noob rubes would pay 1K easy, for a cool forest in a nice pot.
I am not trying to sell it for a thousand or anything like that. Remember the question was for the value after root and branch development. I have no plan to sell any of my forests. I was just looking at some bonsai websites sticking 5-7 one-year old seedlings into a cheap bonsai pot and sell it for $300-$400 and wonder how I would value my forest since they start out with much much better material.
This 5 tree Dawn Redwood forest is being sold for $335. In my eyes I don't see any artistic value on placement nor do I see much in values of the trees themselves.
View attachment 474906
I'd recognize bbony garbage anywhere. Asking price and actual sold for price are very different, but a sucker is born every minute, so YMMV.
I'd recognize bbony garbage anywhere. Asking price and actual sold for price are very different, but a sucker is born every minute, so YMMV.
Very true and location is everything since one this big cannot be shipped easily or at a reasonable cost. Consequently your potential buying audience has to be within driving distance, greatly limiting sale potential. I bought a big collected specimen from Zac Smith a couple of years ago shipped from Louisiana and shipping was included in the selling price. Zac also sells forests so it would be good to see his input.
The real answer is that it is worth what someone is willing to pay. Bonsai from any nursery is grossly expensive. 100 bucks for a ficus cutting. Garbage.

To come up with a justification- if there are 7 trunks, and you charge 200 per trunk, you are at 1400. Nursery stock would be 125+ a trunk?
You put work and time into this. Mark it at $2.5k. It might not sell but next year the price is 3k.
May you have all the blessings!

You're the type of person, a person like me, would give an extra $100 to just for that line of thinking.

May your resources be overflowing, like the tub under the pot!

Today I was over changed $5, so I went back in the gas station and returned it.
I'll be sure to let the thread know when that $5 comes back tenfold.
View attachment 474985

Wait...what!?! This is now...permitted? Scripture?
Wait...what!?! This is now...permitted? Scripture?
I can enjoy some mythology and fable as much as the next person but the tacky meme presentation is criminal.
The most fitting Truth should Always be permitted!

Absolutely...and it was nice to see...BUT... I'm not so sure I'm ready to be here. I was wetting my toes. Only posting in barely any topics. ignore button has already been tested. I don't think...I'm cut out for the group. This part of my life...the door closed on...and I doubt it can Crack open. I still share archives...with a few on Facebook. There's some solid sources here.

Congrats on the wedding... I doubt...I post here on the forum again. Other than to update an old thread. It's...just...not my thing. You know...some people just aren't my cup of tea. I actually...detest tea. 😉🙃
I think a forest can command a greater price when it is properly developed.


I think it's irresponsible to sell a tree to a place where they don't grow.
There is a lack of honor for the trees.
Honer over greed wins better blessings.

Ur so full of it Sorce
A 3” trunk nursery BC that has very little taper goes for $150
Louisiana Bald - Cypress - Banting's Nursery For bonsai the swamp collected BC like mine are worth way more.
If you look at my forest 7 out 9 trees are worth $125 each. The big one can go for $200 and the little one $20. So all in all that is over $1000 in tree value.
I'm sure this will piss off the troops...I have been trying to buy a couple of decent, collected BC for a while now with zero success. It seems that most collectors don't want to waste their time or bother with cutting smaller ones down to 18" or so, wrapping the root ball in some wet paper towels + plastic, getting the correct size box and away they go. Wish I lived where they grew. There would not be a shortage of them for sale on the net. O I get it, Sorce says I shouldn't get one cause they don't grow here. What BS

PS: Sorry Cajun, I don't believe this for a minute..." I am in this to spread joy and not to make any money"
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