"I can't help but worry I'll eventually stumble and drop one in the morning when rushing to get everything back outside before work lol - it just seemed like bad-practice,:
Which is why you LEAVE THEM INSIDE UNTIL THE DANGER OF FROST AND FREEZE HAS PASSED...this can mean days or even a week inside (which is a stress on the tree, but not as bad as being frozen) There is no "in at night, out in the day" moving. It's once in, once out...Moving them in and out constantly not only puts them in danger of frost damage in the morning (why bring them in anyway if that's what you're going to do--morning is the coldest part of the day), you also put them in danger of being damaged in transit. I've learned the hard way moving big specimens--110 lbs of pot tree and soil is all dead weight and is unforgiving when being moved. Drop that on your foot and you're in the hospital...