Grad school doesn't make you anxious. Applying to grad school makes you anxiousWaiting on this thing to be successful gave me more anxiety than grad school![]()
Hi @Bonsai Nut ! Nope, definitely not taking it the wrong way. I purchased the stock Hollywood juniper in a random wholesale nursery that was closing back in November 2019. I took it to Roy’s because I know that approach grafts with Shimpaku is his forte. I decided to give it a try as my first grafted specimen. I normally gravitate towards pines (Ponderosas, and JBP) because those were the only ones I could confidently take care of. But the last five years, I’ve felt that my horticultural skills have improved to where I can take care of some deciduous specimens… and junipers. This was my first juniper purchase. As far as the size, it’s a good 2 feet from the nebari. Either way, I have my pines to focus on, while I enjoy the long-term labor(s) with this one.Grad school doesn't make you anxious. Applying to grad school makes you anxious
I'm going to ask a question, and please don't take this in the wrong way. Given the amount of labor and time involved with replacing foliage on a California juniper, people normally work on a larger tree. Are you doing this work for training? Or was this a tree that Roy had available, or that fit within your budget? I actually think it is easier to do this work on a larger tree.
It reminds me of a story. Once when I was at Gary Ishii's we were talking about his shimpaku grafts on California juniper and he told me he wasn't doing them anymore. He said given the amount of labor involved, he ended up having to price them so high that no one could afford to buy themSo he had more in his nursery than he wanted... and he felt they were just taking up space. They are quite a commitment if you do them properly.
And thanks for chiming in and sharing your story! Very much appreciated. Now if you can point me to some California junipers with native foliage, I’m all ears !!!
I know about Jawbone. My friends and I usually ride up there.Ask Roy - he'll probably be able to point you in the right direction. There are hundreds of square miles of them out by Palm Springs and the Mojave. If you know the right rancher, they'll let you tromp around on their land and grab a few. There are usually groups that go out collecting every year around this time... but you have to know the right people. Do you know Tom Vuong?
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