One thing you will need to address is the length of all the branches. The entire silhouette will need to be reduced. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but for health reasons. You do not have to do it this season, but I would recommend definitely next season. You will need to assess every branch, particualrly all side branches. Then cut back to a point on each branch where there is a branch that can be wired into position to form the new end of the branch. This can be a tedious job. Between first assessing and the actual work, you will probably need several hours.
And the assistance of several adult beverages.
If this is not done, what will happen is that the branches will continuously grow from the ends and shed the foliage in the interior. Then the design will be lost and it will take additional work to get it back. Also, I would stop pinching. You currently do not know which cut backs are going to be made. You might be pinching off and weakening growth that could be crucial to the new silhouette. Pinching should be done after the silhouette is formed. Preferrably starting the year after the desired silhouette is achieved.
I hope this was helpful.