Highbush Blueberry yamadori

that insane late march frost hit killed a lot of stuff on my tables. only really hurt the flower buds. the dead twigs are from me breaking them during wiring.


had dug this one for one of my senior dept. members



Are these potted in standard 333 from bonsai jack?
i switched from the universal inorganic substrate to build your own because i didn't like the turface in it. too many flat shapes for my liking. seemed inferior to the bonsaiblock. i don't think the roots cared for it either; they didn't wrap their little fingers around it ever so gently like lava and they didn't pierce though it and crush it like pumice 😊

January '23 repot/yamadori order

first time trying to collect vaccinium arboreum. 99% of the time they're straight poles with two roots, but this one has a little bit of character to me. and it had three roots 😄 i busted it's ass pretty hard. hope it makes it, but I'm not keeping those huge field roots around. i also dug another corymbosum that was next to it cause why not.


here they come

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