I believe this one is Parsons juniper. I have 2 and this looks a lot like them.
Get ready for it to change to juvenile foliage. You can see it starting on some of the ends of the adult foliage in the picture. Don't worry.
I thought that Parsons or Parsonii were just cultivars of Chinese Junipers? I also thought that Parsons junipers typically grow upright?
About the juvenile foliage, it had some when I got it but most of it was old and hardened or yellowing. I cut all that off and left the green juvenile stuff. There's only 3-4 shoots of juvenile foliage that has new growing tips, so I've got my fingers crossed that it stays that way. The rest of the scale foliage has the little nubby bright green tips. I've been watching for little needles to pop out of it but it seems good so far.