Heavy pruning in spring for Thuja...


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
So the Canadian bonsai group state spring for heavy pruning of thuja. I have decided to wait on roots one more season and really thin the top. Will just add some substrate to the rock from some washing away. IF ... I can safely do it now. I have never really done more than offer horticutural needs.

Anyone wish to offer direction? Spring...do they mean now, or was it really spring when still dormant?
I just gave my Rheingold a good trimming. This gets a real burnished look to the foliage during winter. When it turns back to golden is when I give it the first trim. To keep it looking like this I'll have to trim it at least twice during growing. I don't usually get to it but every couple of years when it's become a big golden mound. I need to get it out of the grow box and reduce the roots significantly to curb it's exuberant growth.IMG_20180501_113242378_HDR.jpg
I always believe it is Spring when I see buds swelling. The timing....it’s different on my different trees. But generally....right about now for most of my trees.
David Easterbrook of the Montreal Bonsai Society says that heavy structural pruning should be done in the Fall, along with creation of jin/shari, starting in late September:

"La taille de formation (branches et structure), ainsi que l’ajout de jins et de sharis, s’effectuent à l’automne, à partir de la fin du mois de septembre."


For you guys further south, that would mean well into October, possibly.
I am not doing any structural pruning at this time. I am only trimming back the foliage to my structure. It will need another trim midseason to keep the foliage in check. I have tried letting it grow into a weeping form, which it does without much assistance, but I like it better trimmed back with the branches exposed.
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