Shaping and heavy pruning


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Boston Massachusetts
Hey everyone so this is a kinda broad question but when is a good time to do heavy pruning and shaping of the tree(not trunk work but removing branches that arent needed) i shouldve probably done it late summer early fall but i didnt have the trees i currently have about 12 junipers right now all nursery stock im worried if i start now in mid October i run the risk of shocking the trees and leaving them with little nutrient supplys to make it threw the winter..

basically they resemble shrubs (ill try to take photos of them all Saturday when the rain stops and the suns out but should i try and do some basic shaping now so come spring theyre ready to just flourish or wait until late winter and do it
You could thin them out some to let the air and light in but i would wait till late winter/early spring to prune off major branches
from what I understand, now is the number 2 time of year for wiring and styling. For thinning, I would stick to some light thinning but no major branch removal. Save that for early spring. I plan to wire a few garden junipers this weekend.
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