Help!! I got a young Japanese Maple 2 years ago, so I'm guessing it's about 4 years old now, and it only has 1 long branch that is getting longer and longer, and is starting to grow more sideways than up, and there is a clear bend in that branch as you can see in the pictures. All the new growth seems to be below that bend, but the vast majority of the leaves are above the bend. Is it okay to slowly remove that branch (removing a couple inches each year) to encourage the new growth at the bottom and eventually take that branch down to where it bends off the main trunk? What's the best thing to do here?
First picture is the whole tree so you can see the shape and length of the main branch, second is a close up of the bend with the main branch highlighted in yellow and the bend circled in red.

First picture is the whole tree so you can see the shape and length of the main branch, second is a close up of the bend with the main branch highlighted in yellow and the bend circled in red.